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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 10.00 Lesson :wave

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1.) Differentiate between Refraction and total internal reflection of light.

2.) Differentiate between Refractive index and critical angle.

3.) Differentiate between Rarer and denser mediums.

4.) State the laws of refraction of light.

5.) Why does light bend when it passes from one medium to another?

6.) Define dispersion of light.

7.) Define critical angle.

8.) What is the value of the critical angle of diamond?

9.) Define refractive index.

10.) What is the relation of refractive index and speed of light in medium?

11.) What is optical fibre?

12.) Define light pipe.

13.) Explain the dispersion of light in a prism in brief.

14.) Mention the conditions required for total internal reflection.

15.) What is the use of total internal reflection in our daily life?

16.) Enlist any four events that are caused due to refraction of light.

17.) Do sound waves show the properties of light waves? Justify your answer giving examples.

18.) Describe in short the use of optic fibres in information and communication sector.

19.) A stick partly immersed in water, appears bent. Why?

20.) The incident light deviates from its rectilinear path as it passes from one medium to another. Why?

21.) White light is found to be broken into seven colours after passing through a prism while no such thing takes place when light passes through a glass slab. Why?

22.) A swimming pool appears shallower than it real depth. Why?

23.) If a fish in an aquarium is observed from the bottom, it appears in air. Why?

24.) Stars twinkle but planets do not. Why?

25.) A person hits a spear to a fish at the place where it is seen in water but the fish escapes. Why?

26.) In the spectrum of light, violet is found at the bottom and red at the top. Why?

27.) Differentiate between Concave and convex lenses.

28.) Differentiate between Near and far points.

29.) Differentiate between Myopia and hypermetropia.

30.) Differentiate between Cataract and night blindness.

31.) What is myopia?

32.) Which lens is used to correct hypermetropia?

33.) In which defect of vision is eye ball flattened?

34.) What is cataract?

35.) Deficiency of which vitamin causes night blindness?

36.) In which disease, the victim cannot identify red and green colours?

37.) What is the function of the retina?

38.) Define focal length.

39.) What is principal focus?

40.) Define spectrum.

41.) What is dispersion of light?

42.) What is the ray found above the red colour in the spectrum?

43.) Write the formula for the power of lens and magnification of lens each.

44.) A convex lens forms a real image of the same size as that of the object. Where is the object placed?

45.) How is the amount of light controlled when it enters into the eye?

46.) What is hypermetropia? How is it corrected?

47.) Sanjay sees distant objects comfortably but he wears spectacles while reading a book. Describe his defect of vision and its remedy.

48.) If the ciliary muscles of Madhu cannot stretch the lens for required focal length while seeing distant objects, what type of defect of vision does she have?

49.) A student sitting on the back bench in a class is not able to see the writings on the board. What type of defect is she suffering from?

50.) Sheetal wears a lens of power +2 D. What is the defect of Sheetal's vision called?

51.) A convex lens is called a converging lens. Why?

52.) The size of the pupil enlarges at dark. Why?

53.) A concave lens is called a diverging lens. Why?

54.) Convex lens spectacles are used to correct hypermetropia. Why?

55.) Convex lens spectacles are used to correct myopia. Why?

56.) A person with myopia cannot see distant object. Why?

57.) A person with hypermetropia cannot see closer object. Why?

58.) Old people have a high of night blindness. Why?

59.) Cows and buffaloes are colour blind. Why?

60.) The pupil of the eye is changeable in size. Why?

61.) The pupil of the eye enlarges in dark. Why?

62.) The ciliary muscle is important for vision. Why?

63.) The image of an object is formed shorter and inverted but we see proper size and position. Why?

64.) Choroid avoids multi-imaging in the eye. Why?

65.) What is optics?

66.) What is lens? Write its types.

67.) What is convex lens? Convex lens is called converging lens why?

68.) What is concave lens? Concave lens is called diverging lens why?

69.) Differentiate between convex and concave lens.

70.) What is Center of curvature (C or 2F)

71.) What is Radius of Curvature (R)

72.) What is Principal Axis

73.) What is Optical center (O)

74.) What is Focus point

75.) Focal length

76.) What is Focusing

77.) Differentiate between principal focus and focal length.

78.) Write any two differences between image formed by convex lens and image formed by concave lens.

79.) What is magnification? Write its formula.

80.) In which condition the object should be kept in front of convex lens to have magnification one?

81.) The magnification is less than one, what does it mean?

82.) Write the relation between focal length, object distance and image distance.

83.) Define real and virtual image.

84.) Differentiate between real image and virtual image.

85.) What is power of lens? Write its formula and SI units.

86.) What is one dioptre (1D) power of a lens?

87.) Write any four uses of lens.

88.) Define optical instruments.

89.) Write the types of optical instruments?

90.) What do you mean by eyes?

91.) What is near point? What is the near point for normal eye?

92.) What is far point? What is the far point for normal eye?

93.) Write any two differences between near point and far point.

94.) What is meant by power of accommodation?

95.) Define persistence of vision of eye.

96.) Name the three layers of eyeball.

97.) What is sclera?

98.) What is cornea? Write the function of cornea.

99.) What is choroid? Write the function of choroid.

100.) Write the function of each:

101.) What is aqueous humor? Write its functions.

102.) What is vitreous humor? Write its functions.

103.) Differentiate between yellow spot and blind spot.

104.) What is defect of vision? Write its types.

105.) What is long sightedness (hypermetropia)?

106.) What are the causes of long sightedness?

107.) What is the remedy of long sightedness?

108.) Convex lens should be used for the correction of hypermetropia, why?

109.) What is short sightedness (myopia)?

110.) What are the causes of short sightedness?

111.) What is the remedy of short sightedness?

112.) Concave lens should be used for the correction of myopia, why?

113.) Differentiate between long sightedness and short sightedness.

114.) What is microscope?

115.) Write is simple microscope?

116.) What is telescope?

117.) What is astronomical telescope?

118.) What is the remedy of short sightedness?

119.) Concave lens should be used for the correction of myopia, why?

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