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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 11.00 Lesson :electricity and magnetism

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1.) Differentiate between Step up and step down transformers.

2.) Differentiate between Electric motor and generator.

3.) Differentiate between Thermal power plant and wind power plant.

4.) Who founded the law of electromagnetic induction?

5.) What is motor effect?

6.) State the right hand's thumb rule.

7.) State the right hand's grip rule.

8.) Define magnetic flux.

9.) What is the working principle of a transformer?

10.) Mention the major use of a transformer.

11.) Which instrument can convert electrical energy into kinetic energy?

12.) Which instrument can convert kinetic energy into electrical energy?

13.) Write down the type of transformer in which turning of wire in the secondary coil is less than that in the primary coil.

14.) Define electromagnetic induction.

15.) State the principle of mutual induction.

16.) Which type of transformer is used at power stations?

17.) State Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction.

18.) How is current electricity generated from a bicycle dynamo? Describe in short.

19.) Clarify Maxwell's right hand's grip rule. For what purpose do we use this rule?

20.) How can we increase the current produced by a generator?

21.) Write the working method of a transformer.

22.) Describe hydropower plants in Nepal in short. Also analyze their merits and demerits.

23.) Describe thermal power plants in short. Also analyze their merits and demerits.

24.) Describe a simple experiment to verify Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

25.) How can you obtain magnetic lines of force around a solenoid? Explain in short.

26.) Write a short note on importance of electric motors in modern life.

27.) A hydropower plant is better than a thermal power plant. Why?

28.) The core of a transformer is made up of a number of thin iron sheets. Why?

29.) The core of a transformer is laminated with varnish. Why?

30.) Step up transformers are used in power stations. Why?

31.) Step down transformers are used in streets. Why?

32.) Electric motor and generator are opposite to each other. Why?

33.) Electromagnetic induction is a boon for human beings. Why?

34.) The numbers of turns in both primary and secondary coils are never made equal. Why?

35.) A transformer cannot alter DC. Why?

36.) The direction of magnetic lines of force changes when polarity is changed. Why?

37.) Electricity and magnetism are interrelated. Why?

38.) Soft iron core is used in a transformer. Why?

39.) Increasing the number of turns in the coil of a generator increases the current induced by it. Why?

40.) Slip rings are used in an AC generator but split rings are used in a DC generator. Why?

41.) The lines of force do not intersect each other. Why?

42.) Hydroelectricity is green energy. Why?

43.) What is direct current (DC)?

44.) What is alternating current (AC)?

45.) What do you mean by frequency of electricity supplying in Nepal is 50Hz?

46.) Differentiate between direct current and alternating current.

47.) What is meant by effect of electric current?

48.) Write any four effect of electricity.

49.) What is heating effect of electric current?

50.) Which wire is used in a heater, why?

51.) What is heating elements?

52.) Name the materia, which is used for making heating elements.

53.) Why is tungsten metal is not used in heater?

54.) Why nichrome wire is used as a heating element? Give two reasons.

55.) What is meant by lighting effect of electric current?

56.) What is filament?

57.) Which metal is used as a filament?

58.) Name any two materials which are used for making filament.

59.) What is filament bulb?

60.) Why is tungsten wire used in filament bulb? Give two reasons

61.) What happens when oxygen gas is used into the filament bulb?

62.) Inert gases are filled in a filament lamp, why?

63.) What is fluorescent lamp?

64.) Fluorescent lamp is also called mercury lamp, why?

65.) What is the function of mercury vapor and fluorescent powder in fluorescent lamp:

66.) What is meant by magnetic effect of electric current?

67.) What is solenoid?

68.) What is meant by electromagnet?

69.) Write any four characteristics of an electromagnet.

70.) Write any four ways of increasing the strength of electromagnet.

71.) Write any four uses of electromagnets.

72.) What is electric bell?

73.) In what effect of electricity is an electric bell based?

74.) When and who discovered the fact that electricity induce magnetic effect?

75.) What is chemical effect of current?

76.) What is meant by magnetic flux?

77.) What is electromagnetic induction?

78.) What is induced current?

79.) What is dynamo?

80.) What is generator?

81.) On which principle does dynamo or generator is based on?

82.) Write any four methods for increasing the amount of current produced by a dynamo or generator.

83.) Differentiate between generator and dynamo.

84.) What is the relationship between induced electromotive force and rate of change of magnetic flux in an electric circuit?

85.) What happens to the magnitude of the induced e.m.f. in an electric generator if the speed of rotor is doubled?

86.) What is motor effect?

87.) Name any two devices which are based on motor effect.

88.) What is electric motor?

89.) Write any two differences between electric motor and generator (dynamo)

90.) Write differences between the electricity generating by the generator and cell.

91.) What is an inverter? Why is it used?

92.) How does an inverter works?

93.) What is battery charger? Write its use.

94.) There is a cut-off system inside the battery charger, why?

95.) What is solar battery?

96.) What is meant by an adapter (adaptor)?

97.) A knob is used in an adapter, why?

98.) what is input current

99.) What is Output current?

100.) What is Primary voltage?

101.) What is Secondary voltage?

102.) What is transformer? Write its types.

103.) What is step-up transformer?

104.) Name the instrument that is used to increase or decrease the amount of alternating current.

105.) Name the materials which are used to laminate the core of a transformer.

106.) Differentiate between step-up and step-down transformer.

107.) Write any two differences between primary coil and secondary coil in the step down transformer on the basis of their structure.

108.) On what principle does the transformer is based?

109.) What is mutual induction?

110.) State the principle of mutual induction.

111.) Write the formula used in transformer.

112.) On what two principles the transformer is based?

113.) ‘’The use of alternating current would be limited, if the transformer was not invented.” Prove the statement with two points.

114.) A soft iron core is used in a transformer, why?

115.) The core of the transformer is laminated, why?

116.) The coil of the transformer is coated by enamel, why?

117.) The number of turns in the primary coil and secondary coil of a transformer are never made equal, why?

118.) A transformer cannot alter d.c. voltage, why?

119.) What is electric power? Write its formula.

120.) What is 1W electric power?

121.) An electric lamp is written as 60 W, what does it mean?

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