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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 12.00 Lesson :Universe

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1.) Distinguish between Flat universe and open universe.

2.) Distinguish between Open universe and closed universe.

3.) Define red shift.

4.) Introduce the Big Bang Theory.

5.) What is the future of the universe if the triangle on the surface has an angle whose sum is 180°?

6.) What is common in Big Bang Theory and Hubble's findings?

7.) Who purposed the theory of relativity?

8.) Define singularity.

9.) Give a point which supports that the universe is expanding.

10.) What is delicate equilibrium?

11.) What is the role of gravity during nuclear fusion in stars?

12.) Mention the role of gravity in the death of stars.

13.) Define critical density of the universe.

14.) Describe the importance of gravitational force in the universe in short.

15.) What are the findings of Hubble's study about the motion of the heavenly bodies?

16.) Describe the origin of the universe according to Big Bang Theory in short.

17.) How can we say that the universe is changing continuously?

18.) Write a short account on the history of the hypotheses given about the origin of the universe.

19.) Describe the guesses about the future of the universe based on gravitation in short.

20.) What is theory of relativity founded by Albert Einstein?

21.) Analyse the future of the earth in the form of Big Crunch.

22.) Demonstrate that the expanding universe is the cause of increasing distance between the Milky Way and other galaxies.

23.) The galaxies and black holes may disappear in the future. Why?

24.) The galaxies and black holes may remain as they are forever. Why?

25.) The galaxies and black holes may adjust on a point in the future. Why?

26.) The distance between the earth and the sun increases by 1-2 cm every year. Why?

27.) Gravitation is a must for the origin and death of stars. Why?

28.) Gravitation maintains the fixed size of stars. Why?

29.) Light is trapped by the black hole. Why?

30.) Gravitation is the ultimate force of the universe. Why?

31.) The universe may condense into a point in the future. Why?

32.) Gravity forms and destroys stars. Why?

33.) What is universe?

34.) What are the units used to measure the distance in universe?

35.) What is astronomical unit?

36.) What is one light year?

37.) What is parsec? How many light year is there in 1 parsec?

38.) Convert one light year into metre.

39.) Define solar system.

40.) Write some fact data related to the sun.

41.) Name the three layers of the Sun.

42.) Define solar wind.

43.) How can we calculate the energy of the sun?

44.) What do you understand by planets?

45.) Write the names of planets present in our solar system.

46.) What are the types of planets?

47.) Define inner planets and write any four features of them.

48.) Define outer planets and write their common features.

49.) Witteen four important features of Mercury.

50.) Write any four important features of Venus.

51.) Life is not possible in Venus although it contains water oxygen and carbon dioxide. Why?

52.) Write any four important features of the Earth.

53.) The earth is called a planet, why?

54.) Write any four important features of Mars.

55.) Why is the mars called the red planet?

56.) Write any four important features of Jupiter.

57.) write any four important features of Saturn.

58.) Write any four important feature of Uranus.

59.) Write any four important features of Neptune.

60.) Why is Pluto not considered as a planet of the solar system? Write any three reasons.

61.) Name the largest satellite of Saturn.

62.) Name the largest satellite of Neptune.

63.) Name the largest satellite of Jupiter.

64.) Differentiate between stars and planets.

65.) What is satellite? Write its types.

66.) Make a list of the natural satellites of different planets.

67.) Define artificial satellites.

68.) What are the purposes of launching artificial satellite in the space?

69.) Write any four important features of earth’s moon.

70.) Define sidereal month.

71.) Define synodic month.

72.) Differentiate between synodic month and sidereal month.

73.) What are Asteroids? Give any four examples.

74.) Name the biggest asteroid?

75.) What is a comet?

76.) What is coma?

77.) A comet is not actually a star. Give any two evidences to justify this statement.

78.) The tail of comet is increased as it approaches near the sun, why?

79.) A comet is seen only after a long period, why?

80.) Some comets disappear forever. Give two reasons to justify it.

81.) Write the name of a comet which appears in interval of 76 years from the earth.

82.) What is a meteor?

83.) A meteor is finished before reaching the earth’s surface, why?

84.) What is meant by meteorite?

85.) What is meteor shower?

86.) Write the types of meteorites.

87.) What is fireball?

88.) Differentiate between meteors and meteorite on two points.

89.) Write any two differences between a shooting star and a star.

90.) What is galaxy? Write its types.

91.) Define spiral galaxies with examples.

92.) Write short note one Milky-way galaxy.

93.) Name the galaxy in which our solar system lies.

94.) What is constellation? How many constellations are there in the sky? Give some examples:

95.) Differentiate between galaxy and constellation

96.) Milky way galaxy is also called Aakash Ganga?

97.) List out some famous comets with their date of first appearance and revolution period.

98.) What is fireball?

99.) Write any four importance of constellations.

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