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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 13.00 Lesson :Information and communication technology

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1.) Differentiate between Bits and Bytes.

2.) Differentiate between Digital wellbeing and digital security.

3.) What is a digital signal?

4.) Name any two devices which use daily life.

5.) What do you understand by the transmission of signal?

6.) Why geostationary satellites are launched in the parking orbit?

7.) Define uplink and downlink frequency in signal transmission.

8.) What is online reputation?

9.) Explain the process of converting digital data into a digital signal by line coding.

10.) Write down the meaning of a netizen. Mention any three responsibilities of good netizens.

11.) What is digital wellbeing? How do the Internet and the virtual world affect the physical, social and emotional health of netizens?

12.) "Multimedia classroom is one of the essential parts of teaching-learning activities." Give your opinion about this statement.

13.) Define audio-visual materials. Write down any five characteristics of audio- visual materials and explain any two of them.

14.) What is digital native?

15.) What is signal?

16.) What is analog signal?

17.) What is digital signal?

18.) What is a bit?

19.) What is a byte?

20.) Difference between analogue and digital signal?

21.) What is signal transmission?

22.) What is input transducer?

23.) What is encoder?

24.) What is modulation?

25.) What is a demodulator?

26.) What does a decoder do?

27.) What is output transducer?

28.) Difference between analogue and digital communication?

29.) What is baseband transmission?

30.) What is broadband transmission?

31.) What are the advantages of digital transmission?

32.) What are the negative impact of digital technology?

33.) What is a netizen?

34.) What is digital citizenship?

35.) What are the characteristics of a good netizen?

36.) What is online reputation?

37.) What is digital wellbeing?

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