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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 14.00 Lesson :Classification of Element

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1.) Differentiate between short period and long period.

2.) Differentiate between s-block elements and p-block elements.

3.) Differentiate between Mendeleev's periodic table and the modern periodic table.

4.) Differentiate between metals and non-metals.

5.) What is the periodic table?

6.) Introduce Mendeleev's periodic law.

7.) Introduce modern periodic table.

8.) Name two alkaline earth metals.

9.) Define group and period.

10.) What are isotopes?

11.) What factors do the valencies of elements depend upon?

12.) Which important property did Mendeleev use to classify elements in his periodic table?

13.) What is the basic difference between Mendeleev's periodic law and the modern periodic law?

14.) In which group, period and block will the element with atomic number 20 be present?

15.) Write the atomic number of the element present in the third period and seventeenth group of the periodic table.

16.) What are the major differences between metals and non-metals?

17.) What are the features of the modern periodic table?

18.) How is the modern periodic table superior to Mendeleev's table?

19.) Why are Li, Na and K placed in the same group of the periodic table?

20.) What do you mean by p-block elements? Write any five examples of this block.

21.) Argon is an inert gas. Why?

22.) The valency of nitrogen is 3. Why?

23.) Chlorine is an active non-metal. Why?

24.) Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine. Why?

25.) Sodium is less reactive than potassium. Why?

26.) The members of group IA are called alkali metals. Why?

27.) Group I elements are very active. Why?

28.) Lanthanides and actinides are kept separately in the modern periodic table. Why?

29.) Transition elements have variable valency. Why?

30.) Halogens are active non-metals. Why?

31.) The elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties. Why?

32.) What is meant by classification of element?

33.) What is periodic table?

34.) State Mendeleev’s periodic law.

35.) The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic mass, what does it mean?

36.) What is Mendeleev’s periodic table?

37.) What are the characteristics of Mendeleev’s periodic table?

38.) What are the merits of Mendeleev’s periodic table?

39.) What are the demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table?

40.) State modern periodic law.

41.) The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number, what does it mean?

42.) What is modern periodic table?

43.) What are the characteristics of modern periodic table?

44.) What are the advantages of modern periodic table?

45.) Differentiate between Modern periodic table and Mendeleev’s Periodic table.

46.) Write any four uses of periodic table.

47.) What is meant by periods? How many periods are there in modern periodic tablet

48.) What do you mean by groups? How many groups are there in modern periodic table?

49.) What are alkali metals? Why group IA elements are called alkali metals?

50.) Alkali metals are more reactive, why?

51.) Why hydrogen is kept in group IA in the periodic table? Give two reasons.

52.) Sodium is reactive metal, why?

53.) What are alkaline earth metals? Group IIA elements are called alkaline earth metals, why?

54.) Group VIIA elements are called halogens, why?

55.) The elements of group zero or group 18 are called inert gases, why?

56.) In what group do magnesium and nitrogen belong in modern periodic table?

57.) Differentiate between alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.

58.) Differentiate between periods and groups.

59.) Define representative elements.

60.) Define transition of elements.

61.) Write short note on s-block elements.

62.) Write short note on p-block elements.

63.) Differentiate between s-block elements and p-block elements.

64.) Write short note on d-block elements.

65.) Define transition metals with examples. Write down their position in modern periodic table.

66.) d-block elements are called transition elements, why?

67.) What are f-block elements?

68.) f-block elements are called inner transition elements, why?

69.) Differentiate between p-block elements and d-block elements.

70.) Write short note on f-block elements.

71.) Write the position of inner transition metals in modern periodic table.

72.) What are lanthanides and actinides?

73.) What is electronic configuration?

74.) What are maximum numbers of electrons that can accommodate in s and p subshells?

75.) Define valence shell and valence electron.

76.) What is valency?

77.) Why Na is more active than Li?

78.) In which group of modern periodic table alkaline earth metal and halogen are kept?

79.) In which groups noble gases, most reactive nonmetals and most reactive metals are placed?

80.) Molecular formula of a certain ionic compound is X2 and X is metal. State group to which elements X and Y belong in the periodic table.

81.) In which group of modern periodic table, elements having atomic number 9 and 17 belongs to ? Among these two element which is more reactive, why ?

82.) Write electronic configuration of calcium on the basis of sub-shell. Among magnesium and calcium. Which is more reactive and, why ?

83.) Write any two factors that determine the reactivity of elements.

84.) Why reactivity of group 0 or 18 elements is not affected by their atomic size ?

85.) Atomic size of inert gases do not affect inertness, why?

86.) Elements of group IA, IIA, and IIIA are more reactive as we go down in the group of the periodic table. Give two reasons.

87.) What is the change in chemical reactivity of very active non-metals when their atomic size increases ? Why ?

88.) Atomic size decreases from left to right in a period, why ?

89.) In group IA, IIA and IIIA reacting of elements increases from top to bottom. Why ?

90.) In group VA, VIA and VIIA reactivity of elements decreases from top to bottom, why ?

91.) What is electropositivity?

92.) What is electronegativity?

93.) What is reactivity?

94.) Why are group1 elements called alkali metals?

95.) Why are group2 elements called alkaline earth metals?

96.) Why are group 17 elements called halogens?

97.) Why are group 16 elements called chalcogens?

98.) Why are d-block elements called transition elements?

99.) Why are s and p-block elements called representative elements?

100.) What is ionisation energy?

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