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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 15.00 Lesson :Chemical Reaction

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1.) Differentiate between Reactant and product.

2.) Differentiate between Single displacement reaction and double displacement reaction.

3.) What are the parts of a chemical equation?

4.) Name the chemical reaction in which two substances exchange ions.

5.) Define acid-base reaction with an example.

6.) Identify the type of chemical reaction taking place when silver chloride turns black on exposure to sunlight.

7.) What is the difference between a reactant and a product?

8.) Name the gases that are evolved at anode and cathode during the electrolysis of acidified water.

9.) Give one example of the reaction in which a catalyst increases the rate of reaction.

10.) What substance causes a chemical reaction without itself being affected?

11.) Does a chemical reaction always result in a new substance being formed? How do you know if you have made a chemical reaction?

12.) How can a chemical reaction be accelerated?

13.) How does pressure affect the rate of gaseous reaction?

14.) Some antacids contain aluminum hydroxide [Al(OH),]. This compound reacts with excess hydrochloric acid (HCI) in the stomach to neutralize it. If the products of this reaction are water and aluminum chloride, what is the balanced chemical equation for this

15.) What is a chemical reaction? What are the conditions required for a chemical reaction? Explain any three with an example.

16.) Explain addition reaction and single displacement reaction with an example.

17.) What is a catalyst? How does a catalyst affect the rate of reaction?

18.) Carbon reacts with oxygen to give carbon dioxide. What type of chemical reaction is this? Write its chemical equation.

19.) Describe an activity to demonstrate that the rate of chemical reaction increases with the increase of the surface area of reactants.

20.) Describe an activity to demonstrate that the rate of chemical reaction increases with the increase of temperature.

21.) Two chemical substances, when mixed at room temperature, react slowly. Suggest two ways of increasing the rate of this reaction.

22.) What is the reason that substances combine and form a new product? Explain with the help of some examples.

23.) Based on your knowledge of the factors affecting the rate of reaction, explain why there is a high risk of explosions in coal mines where there is a large amount of powdered coal as a combustible material.

24.) Silver bromide is stored in dark bottles in the laboratories. Why?

25.) It is important to understand chemical reactions. Why?

26.) The conversion of magnesium ribbon into white powdered ash on chemical change. Why?

27.) The rate of a chemical reaction is important in real life. Why?

28.) Iron fillings rust faster than an iron nail. Why?

29.) The conversion of magnesium ribbon into white powdered ash on burning is a chemical change. Why?

30.) Acid base reaction is also called a neutralization reaction. Why?

31.) The colour of copper sulphate solution changes when an iron nail is dipped into it. Why?

32.) We apply paints on iron articles. Why?

33.) Finely divided solid reactants react more quickly than solid lump reactants. Why?

34.) Hydrogen combines with nitrogen to form ammonia. Write chemical equation and balance them.

35.) Hydrogen sulphide burns in air to give water and sulphur dioxide. Write chemical equation and balance them.

36.) Zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to give zinc sulphate and hydrogen. Write chemical equation and balance them.

37.) Potassium metal reacts with water to give potassium hydroxide and hydrogen. Write chemical equation and balance them.

38.) Lime water reacts with carbon dioxide to give calcium carbonate and water. Write chemical equation and balance them.

39.) Phosphorus burns with oxygen to give phosphorus pentoxide. Write chemical equation and balance them.

40.) What is chemical equation?

41.) What are reactants?

42.) What are products?

43.) Write any two differences between reactants and products.

44.) Define word equation with an example.

45.) What is meant by formula equation?

46.) Write any two drawbacks of word equation.

47.) What is meant by unbalanced equation (skeleton equation)?

48.) Define balanced equation with example.

49.) What are the required factors of the chemical reaction?

50.) What is simple contact? Write with chemical reaction.

51.) Write a chemical reaction that takes place in solution form.

52.) What is meant by catalyst? Write its types.

53.) Define catalysis.

54.) Define positive catalyst with an example.

55.) Define negative catalyst with an example.

56.) Write any two properties of catalyst.

57.) Write a chemical reaction which takes place under the pressure.

58.) Write a chemical reaction which takes place in the presence of heat.

59.) How does heat enhance the rate of chemical reaction? Explain.

60.) Write a chemical reaction which takes place in the presence of electricity.

61.) Write a chemical reaction which takes place in the presence of light.

62.) Some elements with their valency

63.) Write down the type of chemical reaction.

64.) Define addition or combination or synthesis reaction with example.

65.) Define decomposition reaction with examples.

66.) What is displacement reaction (replacement reaction)? Write its types.

67.) Define single displacement reaction with examples.

68.) Define double displacement reaction with examples.

69.) Define acid-base reaction (neutralization reaction) with examples.

70.) What is endothermic reaction? Write with two examples.

71.) What is exothermic reaction? Write with two examples.

72.) Differentiate between exothermic reaction and endothermic reaction.

73.) Write any four information to that can be obtained from a balanced chemical equation.

74.) Write any four limitation of chemical equation.

75.) What is meant by rate of chemical reaction?

76.) What is the relationship between rate of chemical reaction and surface area of reactant ?

77.) Write down the relation between concentration of reactants and the rate of reaction.

78.) Write any two methods to increase the rate of chemical reaction.

79.) How does the concentration of sodium thiosulphate affect the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate (Na2S203)?

80.) Change the following word equation into balanced equations. (a) Hydrogen + Oxygen → Water (b) Hydrogen + Chlorine → Hydrogen chloride (c) Lead oxide + Carbon → Carbon monoxide + Lead (d) Hydrogen + Nitrogen → Ammonia (e) Potassium chlorate → Potassium chl

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