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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 16.00 Lesson :Gases

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1.) Write any four physical properties of carbon dioxide.

2.) Give the formulae and the chemical names of slaked lime, limestone and urea.

3.) How will you show that carbon dioxide is heavier than air?

4.) What is meant by dry ice? What is it used for?

5.) How do you test whether a gas is carbon dioxide or not?

6.) What happens when carbon dioxide is passed into lime water for a short time? Give the equation as well.

7.) Explain the following with the help of a chemical equation. Carbon dioxide is incombustible and non-supporter of combustion but a burning magnesium ribbon continues to burn in it.

8.) Explain the following with the help of a chemical equation. Milky colour disappears when excess of carbon dioxide is passed through lime water.

9.) Explain the following with the help of a chemical equation. What is meant by photosynthesis? Give the chemical reaction involved in it.

10.) Explain the following with the help of a chemical equation.How is carbon dioxide collected in a laboratory?

11.) What happens to moist blue litmus paper when it is dipped into carbon dioxide?

12.) Which gas is produced when lime stone reacts with hydrochloric acid? Write the balanced equation. What happens when this gas is passed in lime water for less time?

13.) Write the chemical equation involved in the laboratory preparation of ammonia.

14.) What are the necessary conditions for the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's process? Give the balanced equation as well.

15.) What are the physical properties of ammonia?

16.) Ammonia turns red litmus into blue. What does it show?

17.) How can you prepare ammonium sulphate from ammonia?

18.) What type of litmus can help to confirm that a gas jar is filled with ammonia?

19.) What is meant by liquor ammonia? Write any four uses of ammonia.

20.) How does the atmosphere act as a blanket?

21.) Introduce greenhouse effect in your own words.

22.) Prepare a brief speech on global warming.

23.) Describe the threat to the beauty of the historical monuments of Nepal due to acid rain.

24.) Why does acidic soil affect the growth of trees and decrease the productivity of crops?

25.) Explain why acid rain is more likely to occur over thickly populated cities with many industries around them.

26.) Write any two advantages of greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and two disadvantages of over greenhouse effect.

27.) What would happen if greenhouse gases were not present in the atmosphere of the earth?

28.) Suggest any two control measures of greenhouse and acid rain each.

29.) Write two examples to show the formation of acid rain in the atmosphere of the earth.

30.) Write any four adverse effects of acid rain.

31.) We know that many human activities lead to increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that causes global warming. How would you reduce the spew of greenhouses gases and minimize the effects of global warming?

32.) If a worker is going to enter into a well for cleaning purpose what suggestions will you give to him to pretest that the well is safe to enter or not? Give reasons.

33.) Ammonia cannot be collected in a gas jar by the downward displacement of water. Why?

34.) A moist red litmus paper is used to test ammonia gas. Why?

35.) Lime tower (CaO) is used for preparation of ammonia. Why?

36.) Carbon dioxide is used in a fire extinguisher. Why?

37.) H2SO4 is not used in the preparation of CO2. Why?

38.) The mouth of hard glass test tube is slanted down during laboratory preparation of ammonia gas. Why?

39.) Carbon dioxide does not support burning but Mg burns in it. Why?

40.) It may be dangerous to clean a well. Why?

41.) A moist blue litmus paper is used to test carbon dioxide gas. Why?

42.) Global warming is a global environmental issue. Why?

43.) Fossil fuels are the main sources of greenhouse gases. Why?

44.) Greenhouse effect is necessary but over greenhouse effect is disadvantageous. Why?

45.) Carbon dioxide gas is collected in an open gas jar. Why?

46.) Write the molecular formula and molecular weight of carbon dioxide gas.

47.) Write the principle of laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide gas.

48.) Which gas is obtained by reacting limestone and dilute hydrochloric acid. Write a balanced chemical equation of this reaction.

49.) Dilute sulphuric acid is not used in the laboratory preparation of CO2 gas, why?

50.) Name any two chemicals which are required to prepare carbon dioxide gas.

51.) Write any three precautions while preparing Carbon dioxide gas in laboratory.

52.) Write any two method of test of carbon dioxide gas.

53.) Carbon dioxide gas is collected by upward displacement of air, why?

54.) Carbon dioxide gas cannot be collected in water, why?

55.) Write any four physical properties of carbon dioxide gas.

56.) Write any two chemical properties of carbon dioxide gas.

57.) Lime water turns milky when carbon dioxide gas is passed through it, why?

58.) What happens when carbon dioxide is passed into the lime water for short time?

59.) What happen when CO2 is passed into the lime water long time?

60.) What is photochemical reaction? Show in chemical equation.

61.) Write any four uses of carbon dioxide gas (CO2).

62.) What is dry ice? Write its one use.

63.) Why CO2 gas is collected in the erect gas jar?

64.) Carbon dioxide neither burns itself nor helps to burn other substance, however it extinguishes the burning substances but a burning magnesium ribbon is introduced in a jar containing carbon dioxide it burns continuously, why? Write with chemical equation.

65.) What is carbogen? Write its use.

66.) What is carbonation?

67.) Write the molecular formula and molecular weight of ammonia gas.

68.) Ammonia gas can be prepared by heating two solid substances in a laboratory. Write down the name of two solid substances that are used in it.

69.) Which gas is made by heating the mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide?

70.) Which gas is made by heating the mixture of ammonium chloride and slaked lime?

71.) Ammonia gas is collected by downward displacement of air but not downward displacement of water, why?

72.) Why quick lime is used in the laboratory preparation of ammonia gas.

73.) What happens if ammonia gas is passed into water containing few drops of Phenolphthalein, why?

74.) Write any three methods of test of ammonia gas in laboratory.

75.) Write any four precautions while preparing the ammonia gas in laboratory.

76.) What is promoter? Give one example.

77.) Write any four conditions required for Haber’s process.

78.) Write any four physical properties of ammonia gas.

79.) Write any four chemical properties of ammonia gas.

80.) Write any four uses of ammonia gas.

81.) Which litmus paper is used to identify the ammonia gas?

82.) Hard glass test tube is kept slightly slanted, why?

83.) Write down the uses of lime tower.

84.) How can you identify ammonia containing the gas jar is full or not?

85.) Which gas is used to take out blue print?

86.) Which gas is collected in the gas jar? Why is this gas not collected in the jar by the downward displacement of water?

87.) Which gas is collected in the gas jar? What happens when a glass rod dipped in hydrochloric acid is brought into the gas jar? Write with chemical reaction.

88.) What happens when ammonia gas is passed into water containing few drops of phenolphthalein, why?

89.) Ammonia solution is alkaline in nature, why?

90.) What is the reason for rising water in the tube?

91.) Why is water changed into pink inside the round bottom flask?

92.) Why the few drops of phenolphthalein solution are added in water?

93.) What will happen it kerosene is used instead of water?

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