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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 17.00 Lesson :Metals and Non-Metals

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1.) Distinguish between Minerals and ores.

2.) Distinguish between Highly reactive metals and less reactive metals.

3.) Define mineral.

4.) What is an ore?

5.) Write the main ores of iron, aluminium, copper and silver.

6.) What is calcination of ores?

7.) Enlist the steps involved in the metallurgical process.

8.) What is metallurgy?

9.) Which method do you suggest for extraction of less reactivity metals?

10.) What is mineral ore used for?

11.) Define gangue and slag.

12.) Name the process involved in refining ores.

13.) Which metal is extracted from magnetite and argentite?

14.) Name some important methods of concentrating ores.

15.) Name any two reducing agents except carbon, used during smelting.

16.) Enlist any three pure e metals used in domestic appliances/articles and any two metals which you do not usually use as pure metals in your home.

17.) How is the method of extracting the metals high up in the reactivity series different from the method of extracting other metals?

18.) Write the principles of forth flotation process and electromagnetic separation.

19.) Name the methods by which a concentrated ore is changed into metallic oxide.

20.) State three objectives of roasting and calcination of ores.

21.) State the nature of the materials used for making cathodes and anodes in the electrolytic cell for refining copper.

22.) Briefly describe the methods by which concentrated ore is converted into metallic oxides for extraction of metals.

23.) Write a note on roasting and calcination.

24.) All minerals are not ores but all ores are minerals. Why?

25.) Electrolytic process is used for the extraction of high reactive metals. Why?

26.) Gold is found in the free state. Why?

27.) Gold ornaments look new even after several years of use. Why?

28.) Iron and aluminium do not freely occur in nature. Why?

29.) What is meant by metals?

30.) Write any four physical properties of metals.

31.) Write a difference between metal and non-metal on the basis of density.

32.) Define minerals with examples.

33.) Define ores with examples.

34.) All ores are mineral but all mineral are not ores, why?

35.) Differentiate between minerals and ores.

36.) What is meant by metallurgy?

37.) Write the symbol and valency of iron.

38.) Write the atomic number and atomic weight of iron.

39.) Write the sub-shell electronic configuration of iron.

40.) What is the position of iron in periodic table?

41.) Write the importance ores of iron.

42.) Haematite is chief ore of iron, why?

43.) Write any four physical properties of iron.

44.) Write any four uses of iron.

45.) Write the types of iron on the basis of amount of carbon contain in it.

46.) Write the main features of pig iron.

47.) Pig iron is called cast iron, why?

48.) Write the main features of wrought iron.

49.) Write the main features of steel.

50.) Write the symbol and valency of aluminium

51.) Write the atomic number and atomic mass of aluminium.

52.) Write the sub-shell electronic configuration of aluminium.

53.) What is the position of aluminium in periodic table?

54.) What are the main ores of aluminium?

55.) Bauxite is the chief ores of aluminium why?

56.) Write any four physical properties of aluminium.

57.) Aluminium is used in making bodies and part of aeroplane, why?

58.) The external cover of an aeroplane is made from aluminium than iron, why?

59.) Why aluminium tools are not affected by air and water?

60.) Write any four uses of aluminium.

61.) Aluminium is use for making silver paint and mirrors, why?

62.) Though aluminium is a quite reactive metal, it does not react with water, why?

63.) Write the symbol and valency of copper.

64.) What is atomic number and atomic mass of copper?

65.) Write the sub shell electronic configuration of copper.

66.) What is the position of copper in periodic table?

67.) Group IB elements of the periodic table are called coinage metals why?

68.) Write the main ores of copper.

69.) Write the name of two ores of copper.

70.) Copper pyrite is chief ore of copper, why?

71.) Write any four physical properties of copper.

72.) State any two properties of copper that makes it suitable for making pots and pans.

73.) What is meant by blister of copper?

74.) Write any four uses of copper.

75.) Write down the symbol and valency of the silver.

76.) Write atomic number and atomic mass of silver?

77.) Write down the sub- shell electronic configuration of silver.

78.) Write the position of silver in the periodic table.

79.) Write any four ores of silver.

80.) Write any four physical properties of silver.

81.) Write any four uses of silver.

82.) What is silver amalgam?

83.) Write the symbol and valency of gold.

84.) Write the atomic number and atomic mass of gold.

85.) Write down the sub-shell electronic configuration of gold.

86.) Write the position of gold in periodic table.

87.) Write any three ores of gold.

88.) Write in brief about the occurrence of gold.

89.) Write any four physical properties of gold.

90.) Write any three uses of gold.

91.) Gold is called noble metal or neutral metal, why?

92.) Gold is found in pure state in nature but not iron? Why?

93.) Write the atomic number, specific gravity, melting point and boiling point of iron, aluminium, copper, silver and gold.

94.) Arrange the given metals on the basis of increasing density. Fe, Al, Cu, Ag, Au

95.) Arrange the given metals on the basis of increasing order of melting points.

96.) Write the ores and occurrence of iron, copper, gold, magnesium, cobalt, calcium, bismuth and lead in Nepal.

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