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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 18.00 Lesson :Hydrocarbons And Its Compounds

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1.) Differentiate between Alkene and alkyne.

2.) Differentiate between Alkane and alkyne.

3.) Differentiate between Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

4.) Differentiate between Monohydric and dihydric alcohol.

5.) Differentiate between Monohydric alcohol and trihydric alcohol.

6.) Define a saturated hydrocarbon.

7.) Write any three uses of methane.

8.) Write the uses of alcohol.

9.) Write the characteristics of homologous series.

10.) Define functional group and alkyl group.

11.) What does IUPAC stand for?

12.) Write the molecular and structural formulae of butane.

13.) State a common use of butane.

14.) Which type of alcohol is used as fuel in a spirit lamp? Write its condensed and structural formulae which its two uses.

15.) "Acetylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon." Justify the statement with its molecular structure.

16.) Give the structural formula of ethylene. What type of bond is found between carbon and hydrogen in this compound?

17.) How are hydrocarbons important in our daily life? Describe.

18.) Explain in short about isomers and isomerism.

19.) Clear about alkyl group and functional group with two examples of each.

20.) Write a short description about the uses of that monohydric alcohol which contains two carbon atoms.

21.) Why is glycerol considered as alcohol? Also mention its uses in our daily life.

22.) Compare alkane, alkene and alkyne in three points.

23.) Acetylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Why?

24.) Alkenes are more reactive than alkane. Why?

25.) Methane gas is called marsh gas. Why?

26.) Alkenes are called olefins. Why?

27.) Propane is a saturated hydrocarbon. Why?

28.) Define organic compound.

29.) Define organic chemistry.

30.) Define homologous series.

31.) Define hydrocarbons.

32.) Define unsaturated hydrocarbon.

33.) Define alkenes.

34.) Define butane.

35.) Define glycerol.

36.) Define alkynes.

37.) Define alkyl group.

38.) Define hydrocarbons with examples.

39.) What are the types of hydrocarbons?

40.) What is saturated hydrocarbon?

41.) Saturated hydrocarbons are less active, why?

42.) What is the full form of IUPAC?

43.) Define alkane with example.

44.) Write the general formula of alkane.

45.) What type of hydrocarbons are called paraffins, why?

46.) Propane is an example of alkane, why?

47.) Define unsaturated hydrocarbon with examples.

48.) Unsaturated hydrocarbons are more active, why?

49.) What are the types of unsaturated hydrocarbon?

50.) Write the general formula of alkene.

51.) Butene is an example of alkene, why?

52.) What is meant by alkyne? Write any three example of alkyne with molecular and structural formula.

53.) Write the general formula of alkyne.

54.) Acetylene is an example of alkyne, why?

55.) Differentiate between saturated hydrocarbon and unsaturated hydrocarbon.

56.) Differentiate between alkane and alkene.

57.) Differentiate between alkene and alkyne.

58.) Differentiate between alkane and alkyne.

59.) What is homologous series?

60.) Write any four characteristics of homologous series.

61.) What is alkyl group? Write the general formula of alkyl group.

62.) What is trivial system of nomenclature?

63.) What is IUPAC name?

64.) What is meant by functional group?

65.) Methane is called marsh (marshy) gas, why?

66.) Write any four uses of methane.

67.) Write any two uses of ethane.

68.) Write any two uses of propane.

69.) Write any two uses of butane.

70.) What is the full form of LPG? Write its use.

71.) What do you mean by isomers and isomerism? Write with examples:

72.) Define monohydric alcohols with example.

73.) Define dihydric alcohols with example.

74.) Define trihydric alcohols with alcohol.

75.) Write any two physical properties of methyl alcohol.

76.) Write any four uses of methyl alcohol.

77.) Write any four uses of glycerol.

78.) Write any four uses of formaldehyde.

79.) What is the main disadvantage of formaldehyde?

80.) Carbon forms covalent bond, why?

81.) What is glucose and what purpose does it serve?

82.) Write the molecular formula of glucose.

83.) Write any two functions of glucose in human beings.

84.) ‘Both high blood glucose and low blood glucose are dangerous to human beings.’ Justify the statement.

85.) Write any three physical properties of ethyl alcohol.

86.) Write any four uses of ethyl alcohol.

87.) Write any three physical properties of glycerol.

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