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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 19.00 Lesson :Materials Used in Daily Life

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1.) Differentiate between Insecticides and herbicides.

2.) Differentiate between Organic and inorganic insecticides.

3.) Define industrial chemistry.

4.) Write any two natural materials used in cleansing.

5.) What is a synthetic or chemical cleansing?

6.) What is the negative effect of sodium benzoate preservative?

7.) What is food preservation?

8.) Name any two natural preservatives.

9.) What is synthetic detergent?

10.) Name any two insecticides.

11.) What is chemical pollution?

12.) Disposable ceramic is a chemical pollutant. Justify.

13.) What is waste management?

14.) What are food preservatives? Explain any three man-made preservatives briefly.

15.) What are the problems with food preservatives?

16.) Can we preserve foods safely at home? Explain with some examples.

17.) How do preservatives help prevent food waste and increase food sustainability?

18.) Define pesticides. What are the effects of excessive use of pesticides?

19.) What are the disadvantages of synthetic food preservatives?

20.) What do you mean by insecticides? What are the advantages of insecticides?

21.) What are the harmful effects of synthetic chemical substances?

22.) Explain the safety precautions in the use and storage of the pesticides.

23.) How important is chemical waste management in your daily life?

24.) Define non-biodegradable waste. Explain it with an example.

25.) What is chemical pollution? What are the causes of chemical pollution?

26.) "You can contribute to a great extent to control pollution." Explain in brief.

27.) Write the full form of: DDT, BHC, BHT and BHA.

28.) What will happen if chemical wastes are not properly managed?

29.) Your city/village/street is polluted by industrial pollutants like cement, plastics, fibres, chemical fertilizers, detergents, ceramics glasses, etc. and it has many negative impacts on human health and the environment. Describe the causes and control mea

30.) The use of pesticides in the agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables and cereals crops causes several severe diseases to human beings and degrades the quality of environment. What are your suggestions to mitigate or minimize such problems?

31.) In what way is the use of natural preservatives better than the use of man-made chemical preservatives?

32.) How is soap manufactured? Explain.

33.) Can you define what a detergent is and provide two examples? Additionally, what are the potential consequences of using detergents on human health and the environment? Explain with your opinions.

34.) The use of natural preservatives is safer than the use of man-made preservatives. Why?

35.) Chemical fertilizers are the chemical pollutants. Why?

36.) The manufacturing process of ceramic causes chemical pollution. Why?

37.) Detergents are non-biodegradable while the soap nuts are biodegradable. Why?

38.) What is cement?

39.) How is cement prepared? Explain in brief.

40.) Name the raw materials that are used for manufacturing of cement?

41.) Name the chemical which increase the setting time of cement.

42.) Why is gypsum added to cement? Give two reasons.

43.) What is cement clinker? How it is formed?

44.) What is mortar? Write one use of it.

45.) Write is concrete? Write one use of it.

46.) What is reinforced cement concrete (RCC)? Write one use of it.

47.) What is the full form of RCC?

48.) What are the uses of cement?

49.) Name the raw materials which are used for making glass.

50.) What is meant by glass?

51.) Write the different types of glass.

52.) Write any four characteristics of glass.

53.) Glass is called super cooled liquid, why?

54.) Write the main features of quartz glass.

55.) What is water glass?

56.) Write the uses of quartz glass.

57.) Which glass is water soluble glass?

58.) Which glass is fire proof?

59.) Name the raw materials used to prepare water glass.

60.) Write the uses of water glass.

61.) What is ordinary glass or soft glass?

62.) How is water glass prepared?

63.) List the raw materials which are used for manufacture of ordinary glass.

64.) Ordinary glass is also called soft glass, why?

65.) How is ordinary glass prepared?

66.) Write done the uses of ordinary glass.

67.) What is hard glass potash lime glass?

68.) What are the raw materials used in the preparation of hard glass?

69.) Write the uses of hard glass.

70.) Different between soft glass and hard glass.

71.) What is lead crystal glass or optical glass?

72.) Lead monoxide id added to the glass in the preparation of glass, why?

73.) What is lead crystal prepared?

74.) Name the raw materials which are used for the manufacture of lead crystal glass.

75.) Write the use of lead crystal glass.

76.) What is boro -silicate or (pyrex glass)?

77.) Name the raw materials used or prepare Pyrex glass.

78.) Write the uses of borosilicate or pyrex glass?

79.) Why is boric oxide added while preparing ordinary glass?

80.) Which chemical is heated with the mixture to increase the refractive index of ordinary glass?

81.) Write the uses of coloured glass.

82.) Name the different metal oxide which are used to proper the coloured glass.

83.) Which chemical is used to prepare red glass?

84.) Which compound is added to make the black glass?

85.) Name a chemical used to make blue glass?

86.) What is meant by ceramics?

87.) What is meant by mean by kaolin?

88.) What is glazing?

89.) How is ceramics prepared? Explain in brief.

90.) Write any four properties of ceramics. Or, Why are ceramic materials brought into use?

91.) Write any there uses of ceramics.

92.) What is meant by fibers? Write its types.

93.) What is natural fibers? Write its types.

94.) What are the merits of natural fibers?

95.) What are the demerits of natural fibers?

96.) What is an artificial fibers? Write it types.

97.) What is recycled or regenerated fibers?

98.) Write any four uses of rayon.

99.) what is synthetic fiber? Write the types of synthetic fiber.

100.) Which type of fiber are orlon and silk?

101.) Write any three merits of artificial fibers.

102.) Write any three demerits of artificial fibers,

103.) Define the following terms (i) Monomers (ii) Polymers (iii) Polymerization.

104.) What are plastics?

105.) Write the types of plastics.

106.) Define thermosetting plastic with examples.

107.) Define thermoplastic with examples.

108.) Differentiate between the Thermosetting plastic and Thermoplastic

109.) Write down the uses of the following plastics

110.) Which two substances are used to make Bakelite?

111.) What is the full form of PVC?

112.) PVC is called a thermoplastic, why?

113.) Bakelite is called a thermosetting plastic, why?

114.) What type of plastic are Bakelite and PVC? Why?

115.) Differentiate between PVC and Bakelite.

116.) Bakelite or thermosetting plastic is used to cover the handle of pressure cooker, why?

117.) Electric switch and handle of pressure cooker are made of up Bakelite. Why?

118.) Write any four properties of plastics. OR, Why plastic materials used more than other materials

119.) Write any four uses of plastics.

120.) What are the demerits of plastics?

121.) Why environmentalists request to avoid the use of plastics?

122.) Plastics are considered as the major cause of chemical pollution, why?

123.) What is meant by soap? Give any three examples.

124.) Name any two raw material used for making soap.

125.) What is meant by saponification?

126.) What is meant by detergent? Give any three examples.

127.) Detergent is called soapless soap, why?

128.) Differentiate between soap and detergent.

129.) What are the advantages of detergents over soap?

130.) Write any two advantages of soap over detergent?

131.) Water used to wash clothes with detergent is not useful for the plant why?

132.) What do you mean by pesticides?

133.) What are the type of pesticides?

134.) Write any four characteristics of good pesticides?

135.) Define insecticides?

136.) Write the types of insecticides

137.) What are organic insecticides? Write their types.

138.) Define organochlorine insecticides with examples.

139.) Define carbamate insecticides with examples.

140.) Write down the full form of DDT and BHC.

141.) “The use of insecticide is not an interest but an obligation”. Justify the statement.

142.) Write any four disadvantages of insecticides.

143.) Write any four precautions while using insecticides.

144.) What do you mean by fertilizers? Name two types of fertilizers.

145.) What do you meant by organic fertilizer? Give any two examples.

146.) What is green manure?

147.) What is compost manure?

148.) Write any two function of organic fertilizer.

149.) What is meant by chemical fertilizer? Write its types.

150.) What are nitrogenous fertilizers? Name any four chemical fertilizers rich in nitrogen.

151.) Write any three functions of nitrogen in plants.

152.) Write any three symptoms of deficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers in plants.

153.) What are phosphorus fertilizer? Name any three chemical fertilizers rich in phosphorus.

154.) Write any three function of phosphorus in plants.

155.) Write any two symptoms of deficiency of phosphorus in plant.

156.) What are potassium te are potassium fertilizers? Name any four chemical fertilizers rich in potassium.

157.) Write any three functions of potassium in plants.

158.) Write any three symptoms of deficiency of potassium fertilizers in plants.

159.) Which type of chemical fertilizer increases disease resistance capacity of plant? Write one example of such fertilizers.

160.) Define single fertilizer with examples?

161.) Define mixed fertilizer with example.

162.) What is meant by NPK fertilizer? Why it is called complete fertilizer?

163.) “Organic fertilizer is better than chemical fertilizer.” Justify the statement with two reason.

164.) Differentiate between organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers.

165.) Mention any two negative effects of excessive use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides in our daily life.

166.) What is meant by chemical pollution?

167.) Write any four causes of chemical pollution.

168.) What is solid waste? Write its types.

169.) Define biodegradable wastes with examples.

170.) Define non-biodegradable wastes with examples.

171.) What is solid waste management? Write any four ways of solid waste management.

172.) Write any four control measures of chemical pollution.

173.) What is incineration?

174.) Write short note on the following ways of solid waste management? i. Collection and transportation ii. Segregation and waste management iii. Landfill dumpling iv. Incineration

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