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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 7.00 Lesson :Force and Motion

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1.) Write differences between Gravity and acceleration due to the gravity

2.) Write differences between G and g.

3.) Write differences between Free fall and weightlessness.

4.) Write differences between Weightlessness in space and weightlessness on the earth.

5.) Define gravitation.

6.) What are the factors that affect gravitation?

7.) State Newton's universal law of gravitation.

8.) What will happen to the gravitational force between two bodies if the distanc between them is halved keeping their masses constant?

9.) What will be the gravitational force between two heavenly bodies if the masses of both are tripled keeping the distance between them constant?

10.) What will be the gravitational force between two bodies if the mass of each them is doubled? increases by 4 times.

11.) Define G.

12.) Write the value of G.

13.) What will be the effect on the acceleration due to the gravity of the earth if it is compressed to the size the moon?

14.) The acceleration due to gravity of Jupiter is 25 m/s². What does it mean?

15.) A coin and a feather are dropped in a vacuum. Which one will reach the groun first? Why?

16.) Where does a body have more weight: at the pole or at the equator of the earth?

17.) An astronaut is said to be weightless when he/she travels in a satellite. Does it mean that the earth does not attract him/her?

18.) Define free fall.

19.) What happens to the weight of a body when it is falling freely under the influence of gravity?

20.) On what condition does a body have free fall?

21.) Write any one example of weightlessness.

22.) Elaborate the relation between gravitation and distance between the centres of the bodies.

23.) What will be the gravitational force between two heavenly bodies if the masses of both of them are tripled keeping the distance between them constant?

24.) What will be the gravitational force between two bodies if the mass of each is doubled and the distance between them is halved? Show with calculation.

25.) When an apple falls towards the earth, the earth comes up to meet the apple. Is this true? If yes, why is the earth's motion not noticeable?

26.) Show with the help of an experiment that the acceleration of a freely falling body does not depend on the mass of that body.

27.) What is the effect of gravity on a falling object?

28.) Write the difference between the fall of a parachute on the earth and its fall on the moon.

29.) Newton's law of gravitation is called the universal law. Why?

30.) The weight of a body decreases with increase in distance from the earth's surface. Why?

31.) The weight of a stone is less at the top of a mountain than that at its bottom. Why?

32.) The weight of a body is less at the moon than its weight on the earth. Why?

33.) The moon has no atmosphere. Why?

34.) The moon plays a more important role than the sun to cause tides in oceans. Why?

35.) Tides occur in oceans but not in lakes. Why?

36.) The value of g is greater at the poles than at the equator. Why?

37.) It is difficult to lift a large stone on the surface of the earth but it is easy to lift a small one. Why?

38.) The mass of the Jupiter is 319 times more than that of the earth but its acceleration due to gravity is only 2.5 times more than the earth. Why?

39.) The weight of a body will be zero during free fall. Why?

40.) A paratrooper can land safely jumping out from a flying areoplane. Why?

41.) When a coin and a feather are dropped from the roof of a building, the coin falls faster than the feather. Why?

42.) Air resistance is advantageous and disadvantageous both. Why?

43.) If the earth is compressed in the size the moon, its g increases. Why?

44.) It is not safe to use a parachute on the moon. Why?

45.) A person feels weightlessness in an artificial satellite but not on the surface on the moon although it is a satellite. Why?

46.) What is Gravitation or Gravitational force ?

47.) Newton’s universal law of gravitation ?

48.) Universal gravitational constant (G) ?

49.) What is Factors that affect the gravitational force ?

50.) What is Gravity ?

51.) What is Acceleration due to gravity ?

52.) What is Mass ?

53.) What is Weight ?

54.) What is Free fall ?

55.) What is Weightlessness ?

56.) What change occurs in the gravitational force between two bodies when mass of each is made double and distance between their centers is halved?

57.) What is gravity? Write its SI unit.

58.) Write any two factors that affect the gravity of heavenly body.

59.) What is the effect of gravity on falling body?

60.) In which direction does the force of gravity act?

61.) Write any two differences between gravity and gravitation.

62.) Write any four effects of gravity.

63.) What is acceleration due to gravity? Write its value on the surface of the earth.

64.) What do you mean by acceleration due to gravity near the surface of the earth is 9.8m/s2?

65.) The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Jupiter is 25 m/s?, what does it mean?

66.) Prove that g = GM/R2. OR, Prove that acceleration due to gravity is independent to the mass of falling object.

67.) Write any two factors which affects the acceleration due to gravity of a planet.

68.) Show that the value of acceleration due to gravity decreases with increase in height from the surface of the earth. OR, Prove that, g’=(R2/R+hg)

69.) What effect will be on acceleration due to gravity if radius of the earth is decreased?

70.) What are the value of ‘g’ at equatorial polar region?

71.) What is the average value of ‘g’ at the surface of earth?

72.) Why does the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) vary from place to place on the surface of the earth? Explain..

73.) Write any two differences between gravity and acceleration due to gravity.

74.) Differentiate between acceleration due to gravity (g) and universal gravitational constant (G).

75.) What is mass? Write its SI and CGS unit.

76.) Which instrument is used to measure the mass of a body ?

77.) What is weight? Write its SI unit?

78.) Which instrument is used to measure the weight of a body?

79.) Differentiate between mass and weight.

80.) The value of ‘g’ is more at pole then the equator why?

81.) Where does the weight of a body become maximum in Nepal? Why?

82.) Where does the weight of a body become minimum on the surface of the earth? Why?

83.) Where does the weight of a body become maximum on the surface of the earth, why?

84.) The weight of an object is more at polar reign than that in the equatorial region of the earth, why?

85.) What happens to the weight of an object when it is taken from earth to the moon? Why?

86.) How much is the weight of a body less on the moon surface than on the earth surface? Why?

87.) What is meant by free fall?

88.) What is the condition necessary for free fall?

89.) What is meant by weightlessness?

90.) Write any two conditions required for weightlessness.

91.) Differentiate between free fall and weightlessness.

92.) What is parachute?

93.) Write the conclusion of Galileo’s feather and coin experiment.

94.) Why does a sheet of paper falls later on the earth surface than the paper ball of equal weight thrown from a certain height.

95.) In which condition do a feather and a coin dropped from the same height fall at the speed, why?

96.) It is difficult to lift a large stone on the surface of the earth but easy to lift small one why ?

97.) Fall of parachute towards the earth surface is not a freefall, why ?

98.) At what condition acceleration of a falling parachute is approximately zero while getting down from parachute?

99.) The probability of getting hurt is more when a man jumps from the greatest height, why ?

100.) What is null point ?

101.) Tides occurs in oceans but not in Lake Fewa, Why ?

102.) Weight of a body reduces when height or depth increases from sea level (earth’s surface), Why?

103.) A feather and a coin fall simultaneously on the surface of the moon, why?

104.) When a feather and a coin are dropped towards the earth's surface do they reach the ground together? If this experiment is done in moon, what difference can be occurred?

105.) Astronaut feels weightlessness in a spacecraft, why?

106.) A piece of stone and a feather are dropped from the same height at lunar surface, which on will reach fast on the surface? Why?

107.) We do not get hurt, when we jump with parachute, why?

108.) At what condition is the acceleration of a falling parachute approximately zero while getting down from a parachute?

109.) What happens when earth is compressed to the size of moon?

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