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Class : 10

Subject : Science

Unit : 8.00 Lesson :pressure

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1.) Differentiate between Upward and downward thrust.

2.) Differentiate between Thrust and upthrust.

3.) Differentiate between Upward thrust and upthrust.

4.) State Pascal's law.

5.) Mention two factors which affect pressure due to liquid contained in a vessel.

6.) Name any two instruments based on Pascal's law.

7.) State the law of floatation.

8.) State Archimedes' principle.

9.) Write any one difference between law of floatation and Archimedes' principle.

10.) While dipping a solid object in a liquid, upthrust on the object due to the liquid and the weight of the displaced liquid are shown to be equal in an experiment. Which principle does the experiment prove?

11.) Define upthrust.

12.) Mention a factor that can affect upthrust.

13.) What is the role of density in floatation of bodies?

14.) Mention the factors that affect the upthrust applied on a body.

15.) When a body is fully or partially immersed in a liquid, name the forces acting on the body.

16.) How do animals use upthrust in their daily life?

17.) Describe the experimental verification of Archimedes' principle.

18.) How do hydraulic machines help in developmental activities in our country?

19.) Illustrate that hydraulic machines are force magnifiers.

20.) How does a hydraulic garage lift function? Explain with an illustration.

21.) It is easier to pull a bucket of water from a well until it is inside the water but it is difficult to lift the bucket when it is out of water. Why?

22.) A bucket of water is filled faster in the downstair's tap than in the upstair's tap. Why?

23.) The blood pressure in human body is greater at the feet than at the brain. Why?

24.) Deep-sea divers wear diving suits. Why?

25.) An egg floats on saturated salt solution. Why?

26.) An iron nail sinks in water but a ship made of the same material floats on it. Why?

27.) It is easier to swim in ocean than in a river. Why?

28.) Dead bodies float on water only after some time. Why?

29.) Hydraulic machines are also named as force magnifiers. Why?

30.) Aeroplanes cannot fly on the surface of the moon. Why?

31.) A balloon filled with helium does not rise up in the air indefinitely. Why?

32.) A loaded ship sinks more than an empty ship. Why?

33.) Ice floats on water. Why?

34.) An iron nail sinks in water but floats on mercury. Why?

35.) The size of an air bubble increases when it comes up and up in water. because of pressure. Why?

36.) What is pressure ? Write its formula and SI unit .

37.) Name the factors on which pressure depends .

38.) Prove that P = F/A.

39.) What is one Pascal pressure ?

40.) What is liquid pressure ?

41.) Differentiate between pressure and force (thrust) .

42.) Write any four properties of liquid pressure .

43.) Prove that, p = hdg . or, pah OR, Prove the relation of pressure exerted by the liquid column with its height, density and acceleration due to gravity of that place .

44.) What are the factors affecting the pressure exerted by the liquid ?

45.) The bottom of the vessel is made thicker, why ?

46.) Walls of a dam are made thicker at the bottom, why ?

47.) The bucket is filled slower in the tap of the top floor than the down floor, why ?

48.) The size of the water bubbles becomes bigger as it rises up in the water, why ?

49.) The shape of a vessel does not affect the liquid pressure . Why ?

50.) The blood pressure in human body is greater at the feet than at the brain, Why ?

51.) Is there any difference between the pressure of water at the middle and at the bottom? Why ?

52.) Why is the wall made thicker at the bottom ?

53.) What change occurs in pressure when a drum completely filled with water is taken from earth to lunar surface ?

54.) Deep sea diver need special protective wear, why ?

55.) The water tank is kept at some height, why ?

56.) In the given figure, on which surface more pressure is exerted and why ?

57.) What is hydrostatics ?

58.) State Pascal’s law of liquid pressure .

59.) Write the formula based on Pascal’s law .

60.) Name the equipment which are based on Pascal’s law of liquid pressure .

61.) Which law is explained by the given figure ? State the law .

62.) State principle of hydraulic machines .

63.) Prove that hydraulic machine is a force multiplier .

64.) What is hydraulic garage lift ?

65.) What is hydraulic brake ?

66.) What is the role of water in hydraulic press to multiply small force into large one ?

67.) Define hydraulic press .

68.) By which two properties of liquid is used in hydraulic brake ?

69.) What is density ? write its formula and SI unit .

70.) What is relative density ? Write its formula .

71.) The relative density has no unit, why ?

72.) Differentiate between density and relative density .

73.) Iceberg made up of water float in water, why ?

74.) What difference will you get from the air – filled balloon and the hydrogen filled balloon.

75.) One feels difficult to breathe in deep well while cleaning it, why ?

76.) What is upthrust ? Write its SI unit .

77.) Prove that upthrust is equal to the weight of liquid displaced. OR, Prove that, upthrust = vdg.

78.) Name the factors affecting upthrust.

79.) What is the relation between upthrust and density of the liquid ?

80.) What is the relation between upthrust and volume of displaced liquid ?

81.) It is easier to lift a heavy stone inside the water, why ?

82.) In the given figure which is sea water and river water ? Why ?

83.) State Archimedes principle .

84.) State laws of floatation.

85.) Why does a stone sink in water?

86.) Why is it easier to pull a bucket of water from the well until it is inside the water but difficult out of water?

87.) “Only the objects having density less than water float”. Is the statement true, give reason.

88.) At what condition does a body float on liquid?

89.) “The weight of displaced liquid is equal to the weight of floating object”, which principle does this statement belong to?

90.) Differentiate between Archimedes principle and law of flotation.

91.) Name any two instruments that are based on the law of floatation.

92.) Write any two conditions for a substance to float on liquid.

93.) What is hydrometer? Write its types.

94.) What is lactometer?

95.) A ship coming from sea inters in the river, will it hull sink more or less in river water, why?

96.) A iron ball (nail) sink in water but a ship made of up iron floats why?

97.) What is the difference between the floating of an empty ship and a cargo-loaded ship?

98.) Write any the three units in which atmospheric pressure is expressed.

99.) Which instrument is used to measure the atmospheric pressure?

100.) What is atmospheric pressure? Write any four importance of it.

101.) What is meant by standard atmospheric pressure? Write its value.

102.) What is barometer? Write its types.

103.) We do not feel atmospheric pressure, why?

104.) Name any three instruments which are based on atmospheric pressure.

105.) What is air pump? Name any three parts of it.

106.) What do you mean by down stroke?

107.) What do you mean by upstroke?

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