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Class : 7

Subject : Science

Unit : 1.00 Lesson :Scientific Learning

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1.) Differentiate between collage model and three-dimensional model.

2.) Practical work is important in studying science. Why?

3.) Experiment is important in scientific method. Why?

4.) We should follow the rules inside a laboratory. Why?

5.) Scientific learning has great importance. Why?

6.) The three dimensional model helps to understand the objects easily. Why?

7.) A report is written in the given format. Why?

8.) What is scientific learning?

9.) Write any two examples of scientific questions.

10.) What is the difference between a demonstration project work and a research project work?

11.) Define experimental project work.

12.) What is a research project work?

13.) What is a report?

14.) Define collage model?

15.) What is 3D modelling?

16.) Give an example of experiment in the scientific method?

17.) How do you conduct a scientific study?

18.) Write the characteristics of scientific knowledge.

19.) How do you conduct a science experiment?

20.) What are the most important laboratory safety rules?

21.) Write the importance of scientific study.

22.) What sequential steps should be mentioned while writing a report of a practical work in the laboratory?

23.) What is a report? What is the importance of a report in a practical work?

24.) How do our lungs work? Explain it with the help of a lung model.

25.) What are the advantages of three-dimensional modelling?

26.) How do you make a model collage of the solar system? Write in five steps.

27.) Which type of model does a globe represent?

28.) What is a globe?

29.) What does a globe represent?

30.) Why is the globe called the three-dimensional representation of the earth?

31.) What is the importance of the globe?

32.) What is scientific learning?

33.) Why is practical work important in science?

34.) Why experiment is important in scientific learning?

35.) What are the safety precautions in the laboratory?

36.) Write the importance of scientific study.


38.) What is a report?

39.) What is the importance of a report in a practical work?

40.) What are the types of practical works?

41.) Why should we follow the rules inside a laboratory?

42.) The three dimensional model helps to understand the objects easy. Why?

43.) A report is written in the given format.

44.) What is the difference between a demonstration project work and a research project work?

45.) Define experimental project work.

46.) What is a research project work?

47.) Define a collage model?

48.) What is 3D modelling?

49.) Write the characteristics of scientific knowledge.

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