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Class : 7

Subject : Science

Unit : 10.00 Lesson :Materials used in daily life

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1.) Differentiate between strong base and weak base.

2.) Differentiate between organic acid and inorganic acid.

3.) All alkalis are bases but all bases are not alkalis. Why?

4.) Lemon juice is sour in taste. Why?

5.) The sting of a honey-bee is itchy and painful. Why?

6.) The colour of litmus does not change when it is dipped into a salt solution. Why?

7.) A person suffering from hyperacidity takes ammonium hydroxide. Why?

8.) What is an acid?

9.) Write any two acids which are used in our kitchen for making food.

10.) What are inorganic acids?

11.) What is a base?

12.) What is an indicator?

13.) What is salt?

14.) Write the physical properties of acid.

15.) What are the properties of bases?

16.) Write the properties and types of salt.

17.) A solution turns red litmus paper in blue. Briefly explain the nature of the solution.

18.) Write any two uses of acid, base and salt in everyday life.

19.) Is the distilled water acidic/basic/neutral? How would you verify it?

20.) How do you prepare a cabbage indicator? Explain.

21.) On what basis does the indicator identify that the given sample substances are acid, base and salt?

22.) You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains salt solution and the other two have lemon water and liquid soap respectively. If you are given blue litmus paper, how will you identify the salt, acid and base of each test tube?

23.) What is acid?

24.) What are the types of acid?

25.) What is organic acid?

26.) What is mineral acid?

27.) What are the physical properties of an acid?

28.) What is base?

29.) What are the physical properties of base?

30.) What is salt?

31.) What are the types of salt?

32.) What are the physical properties of salt?

33.) Why does nettle sting?

34.) Why does not indicator color change in common salt?

35.) Why is acid sour?

36.) Why should we handle acid cautiously?

37.) Why is ash water mixture slippery?

38.) What are the differences between acid and base?

39.) What are the differences between strong base and weak base?

40.) What are the differences between lemon water and soap water?

41.) How can you make an indicator from flowers?

42.) How can you differentiate acid, base and salt with an indicator?

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