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Class : 7

Subject : Science

Unit : 10.20 Lesson :Metals and non-metals

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1.) Differentiate between conductor and insulator.

2.) Differentiate between minerals and ores.

3.) Gold is a member of coinage metal. Why?

4.) Iron is not found in free state in nature. Why?

5.) Aluminium is a good conductor of electricity. Why?

6.) Gold is found freely in alluvial soil. Why?

7.) Aluminium is used to make the body of aircrafts and sailboats. Why?

8.) What is a metal?

9.) Write any two differences between metals and non-metals on the basis of conductivity and ductility.

10.) What are ores?

11.) Define non-metals.

12.) Name any three coinage metals.

13.) Name the least reactive metal.

14.) Which substance causes imbalance in the secretion of hormone from the thyroid gland.

15.) Write the physical properties of metals.

16.) What is the main ore of iron, silver, aluminium, copper, zinc and gold?

17.) Write any two properties and three uses of sulphur.

18.) What are the uses of iodine?

19.) Which metal can be obtained from the following ores? i. argentite iv. chalcopyrite ii. hematite v. zinc blende iii. bauxite

20.) What are metals?

21.) What are non-metals?

22.) What is the major ore of aluminium?

23.) What is the physical properties of aluminium?

24.) What are the uses of aluminium?

25.) What is the major ore of zinc?

26.) What is the physical properties of zinc?

27.) What are the uses of zinc?

28.) What is the major ore of iron?

29.) What is the physical properties of iron?

30.) What are the uses of iron?

31.) What is the major ore of gold?

32.) What is the physical properties of gold?

33.) What are the uses of gold?

34.) What is the major ore of copper?

35.) What is the physical properties of copper?

36.) What are the uses of copper?

37.) What is the major ore of silver?

38.) What is the physical properties of silver?

39.) What are the uses of silver?

40.) What is the major ore of sulphur?

41.) What is the physical properties of sulphur?

42.) What are the uses of sulphur?

43.) What is the major ore of iodine?

44.) What is the physical properties of iodine?

45.) What are the uses of iodine?

46.) Why is iodine mixed in table salt?

47.) Why is gold found in pure form in nature?

48.) Why is aluminium used to make body of vehicle and aeroplanes?

49.) Why is the handle of a pressure cooker covered with plastic?

50.) Why is flashing light seen during night at the place where sulphur is found?

51.) What are the differences between metal and nonmetals?

52.) What are the differences between mineral and ore?

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