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Class : 7

Subject : Science

Unit : 11.20 Lesson :Planets

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1.) What is at the centre of the solar system?

2.) What are the earth's day and earth's year?

3.) Define asteroid belt.

4.) What are inner planets?

5.) Define outer planets.

6.) What are planets?

7.) Name all the planets.

8.) Name the inner planets.

9.) Name the outer planets.

10.) Name the planets which have no satellite.

11.) Which planet has the least density?

12.) Which one is the fastest revolving planet?

13.) Define the outer planets and the inner planets with examples.

14.) Why is the sun called centre of solar system?

15.) Write about the smallest and the biggest planets briefly.

16.) Write a short note on revolution and rotation periods of the planets.

17.) Describe in short the conditions that make the earth different from other planets. Why is it suitable for the survival of the living beings?

18.) What is the solar system?

19.) What are planets?

20.) Write a short note on Mercury.

21.) Write a short note on Venus.

22.) Write a short note on Earth.

23.) Write a short note on Mars.

24.) Write a short note on Jupiter.

25.) Write a short note on Saturn.

26.) Write a short note on Uranus.

27.) Write a short note on Neptune.

28.) What is dwarf planet?

29.) Why was pluto removed from status of a planet?

30.) What is a satellite?

31.) What are asteroids?

32.) What are comets?

33.) What are the differences between stars and planets?

34.) What are the differences between inner planets and outer planets?

35.) There is a very great difference between the size of the moon and the sun but both of them are seen roughly equal in size in the sky.

36.) Write any two conditions that make the earth suitable for the survival of living beings.

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