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Class : 7

Subject : Science

Unit : 3.10 Lesson :Living Beings and their Structure

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1.) The root of chilli is tap. Why?

2.) Leaf is a part of the shoot system. Why?

3.) Leaf is the food factory of a plant. Why?

4.) Roots modify into different forms. Why?

5.) Fruit and stem have lenticels. Why?

6.) What are the basic parts of a flower?

7.) What is a receptacle?

8.) Define pollination?

9.) Define fertilization?

10.) Write a function of fruit.

11.) What is rhizome?

12.) Which part of a plant absorbs water and mineral from soil?

13.) What is the function of lenticel?

14.) What are the functions of a flower?

15.) Describe the process of pollination and fertilization.

16.) Define flowering plants.

17.) Define unisexual flower.

18.) Define bisexual flower.

19.) Describe the structure of fruit.

20.) Why are roots modified? Explain.

21.) Write a short note on modification of leaves.

22.) For what purpose do the parts of plants modify?

23.) Differentiate between invertebrate and vertebrate.

24.) Differentiate between Euglena and sponge.

25.) Differentiate between arthropods and annelids.

26.) Differentiate between Ascaris and earthworm.

27.) Starfish is not found in Nepal. Why?

28.) An earthworm is not kept in the phylum aschelminthes. Why?

29.) Arthropods are more developed than annelids. Why?

30.) Most of the flatworms and roundworms have undeveloped digestive system. Why?

31.) Write any two examples of molluscs. Why?

32.) Define invertebrate.

33.) Name the organ used by hydra to swim.

34.) Which phylum includes soft unsegmented animals?

35.) What are compound eyes?

36.) Name an animal that has osculum.

37.) Classify the following with a reason: i) Paramecium ii) earthworm iv) liver fluke v) ascaris vii) sponge viii) jellyfish iii) housefly vi) starfish ix) mussel

38.) Mention any three special features of each of the following: i) Protozoa iv) Mollusca iii)Coelenterata ii) Porifera v) Nemathelminthes vi) Echinodermata

39.) What are flowering plants?

40.) What are non-flowering plants?

41.) What is root system?

42.) What is shoot system?

43.) What is root hair?

44.) What is fibrous root?

45.) What is tap root?

46.) What is modified root?

47.) What are the examples of modified root?

48.) What are the functions of root?

49.) What is stem?

50.) What is node and internode?

51.) What are the functions of stem?

52.) What are the examples of the modifications of stem?

53.) What is the function of lenticel?

54.) What is a leaf?

55.) What are the parts of a leaf?

56.) What is stomata?

57.) What is transpiration?

58.) What is petiole?

59.) What is chlorophyll?

60.) Why is a leaf called food factory of a plant?

61.) What are the functions of a leaf?

62.) What is a flower?

63.) What are the parts of a flower?

64.) What is a complete flower?

65.) What is an incomplete flower?

66.) What is calyx?

67.) What is corolla?

68.) What is androecium?

69.) What is gynoecium?

70.) What is pollination?

71.) How many types of flower?

72.) What is unisexual flower?

73.) What is bixesual flower?

74.) What is pollination?

75.) Describe about pollination process.

76.) What is fertilization?

77.) Describe about fertilization process.

78.) What is an embryo?

79.) What is pollen grain?

80.) What is the function of a flower?

81.) What are the parts of a fruit?

82.) What is epicarp?

83.) What is mesocarp?

84.) What is endocarp?

85.) What are the parts of a seed?

86.) What is the difference between a seed of monocot and dicot?

87.) What is the function of a fruit?

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