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Class : 8

Subject : Science

Unit : 10.00 Lesson :Materials used in daily life

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1.) What are acids? Give examples of naturally occuring acids.

2.) What are the properties of acids?

3.) What are the chemical properties of acid?

4.) What are the uses of acid?

5.) What are the differences between acids and bases?

6.) What are the bases?

7.) Why sodium hydroxide and ammonia are called bases?

8.) What are alkalies?

9.) Why are all alkalis bases but all bases are not alkalis?

10.) What are soda and caustic potash?

11.) Write the chemical formulas of the followings.

12.) What are the physical properties of bases?

13.) What are the chemical properties of bases?

14.) What are some uses of bases?

15.) What is salt?

16.) What is neutral salts?

17.) What is acidic salts?

18.) What is basic salts?

19.) What are the Chemical properties of salt?

20.) What are the properties of salts?

21.) How is salt prepared?

22.) Mention some salt and their uses.

23.) What is acid rain?

24.) How are acids formed in the atmosphere?

25.) How are acids formed in the atmosphere by natural means?

26.) How are acids formed in the atmosphere by artificial means?

27.) What are the effects of acid rains?

28.) What are the Measures to prevent acid rain?

29.) Differentiate between: (a) Organic acid and inorganic acid . (b) Strong acid and weak acid. (c) Bases and alkalis.

30.) Givea reason : a. Generally, rainwater is acidic. b. Ammonium chloride is an acidic salt. c. Both lemon juice and sulfuric acid are acidic, sulfuric acid corrodes cloth but lemon does not. d. Gastritis patients are cured by consuming magnesium hydroxide .

31.) Answer the following questions: a) What is an acid? b) Show in a table the reaction of an acid with indicators. c) Define bases. d) Make a table to show the reaction of a base with indicators. e) What is salt? f) Make a table to show the reactions of sal

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