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Class : 8

Subject : Science

Unit : 3.30 Lesson :Classification of living beings

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1.) Who proposed two kingdom system of classification?

2.) What is two kingdom system of classification?

3.) What are the basis for classification of two kingdom system?

4.) What are the special features of two kingdom system of classification?

5.) What are the drawbacks of two kingdom system of classification?

6.) Who proposed five kingdom system of classification?

7.) What are the basis of five kingdom system of classification?

8.) What are the five kingdoms?

9.) What are the salient features of five kingdom system of classification?

10.) What kind of organisms are kept under kingdom monera?

11.) What kind of organisms are kept under kingdom protista?

12.) What kind of organisms are kept under kingdom fungi?

13.) What kind of organisms are kept under kingdom plantae?

14.) What kind of organisms are kept under kingdom animalia?

15.) What is microbiology?

16.) What are microorganisms?

17.) What is a virus?

18.) What are the types of virus?

19.) Why does a virus not belong to any kingdom?

20.) What is a capsid?

21.) What is an envelope?

22.) Why is virus called bridge or link organism?

23.) Why is a virus called obligatory parasites?

24.) What are bacteria?

25.) What are the shapes of bacteria?

26.) What is a capsule?

27.) What are the examples of bacteria?

28.) What is the locomotory organ of amoeba?

29.) Which organism cause amoebic dysentery?

30.) What are fungi?

31.) Why are fungi called saprophytes?

32.) What are mycelium?

33.) What are the examples of fungi?

34.) What are the positive effects of microorganisms?

35.) What are the negative effects of microorganisms?

36.) What is food preservation?

37.) What is the process of dry preservation?

38.) What is the process of wet preservation?

39.) What is the process of cold preservation?

40.) Differentiate : (a) Bacteria and Virus (b) Two kingdom system and Five kingdom system

41.) Give Reason: (a) Virus is called a very sniall infectious particle but not an organism. (b) We should not consume stale and smelly food. (c) Five kingdom system has provided an appropriate position to almost all organisms. (d) Fruits do not get spoiled if

42.) Answer the foil owing questions : (a) What is a inicroorganism? Give an exainple from each category. (b) What are the methods of food preservation? Describe anyone method and also mention the importance of food preservation. (c) What is food poisoning? Me

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