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Class : 8

Subject : Science

Unit : 5.00 Lesson :Life process

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1.) What is unisexual?

2.) What is reproduction?

3.) What is the importance of reproduction?

4.) What are the types of reproduction?

5.) What is asexual reproduction?

6.) What is sexual reproduction?

7.) What is gamete?

8.) What is zygote?

9.) What are the types of asexual reproduction?

10.) What is fission?

11.) What are the types of fission?

12.) What is binary fission?

13.) What is multiple fission?

14.) What is budding?

15.) What is fragmentation?

16.) What is regeneration?

17.) What is sporulation?

18.) What is spore?

19.) What is sporangia?

20.) What is parthenogenesis?

21.) What is the Significance of asexual reproduction?

22.) What is vegetative propagation?

23.) Which plants reproduce with vegetative propagation through roots?

24.) Which plants reproduce with vegetative propagation through underground stem?

25.) Which plants reproduce with vegetative propagation through aerial stem?

26.) Which plants reproduce with vegetative propagation through bulbils?

27.) Which plants reproduce with vegetative propagation through leaf?

28.) What is artificial vegetative propagation?

29.) What are the types of artificial vegetative propagation?

30.) What are the Advantages of artificial vegetative propagation?

31.) Explain the cutting method of artificial vegetative propagation?

32.) Explain the layering method of artificial vegetative propagation?

33.) Explain the gootee method of artificial vegetative propagation?

34.) What is grafting?

35.) Explain the grafting method?

36.) What is tissue culture?

37.) Explain the process of tissue culture.

38.) Tissue culture is considered the most advanced method among other methods of vegetative propagation. Why?

39.) What is bisexual?

40.) What is sexual reproduction in plants?

41.) What is fertilization?

42.) What are the types of fertilization?

43.) Differentiate : i) Fission and Budding ii) Bulbils and rhizome iii) Natural and artificial propagation iv) Layering and Grafting

44.) Give reason : i) Asexual reproduction has no concept of ma le and female. ii) The reproduction from the tuber of a potato is called vegetative propagation. iii) Farmers will be benefitted frmn grafting techniques iv) Tissue culture is considered the most

45.) Answer the following questions (a) What is reproduction? Give an example (b) What are the types of asexual reproduction? Describe any one of them if brief . (c) Describe the budding process in H ydra w ith suitable figures (d) Make a flowchart of the meth

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