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Class : 9

Subject : Science

Unit : 10.00 Lesson :Wave

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1.) Write a use of ultrasonic sound.

2.) What will be the effect on the wavelength of a sound wave if the pitch of the sound is increased?

3.) Define electromagnetic spectrum.

4.) What is visible light?

5.) Define radio waves.

6.) Write any two uses of X-rays.

7.) Define wave.

8.) Which technology is used to take the images of internal organs without using electromagnetic waves?

9.) What is the wavelength of radio wave?

10.) How is a sound wave produced?

11.) On what conditions does an echo take place?

12.) Write the merits and demerits of ultraviolet rays.

13.) Name the sequence of colours from up to down in a spectrum.

14.) Why are radio waves not harmful to us?

15.) Write three uses of each of the waves found just before and after the light waves in a spectrum.

16.) Write any three uses of reflection of sound.

17.) Describe X-ray imaging in short and compare it with sonography.

18.) Describe computerized tomography in short.

19.) Differentiate between longitudinal and transverse waves.

20.) Differentiate between mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

21.) Differentiate between sound wave and light wave.

22.) Differentiate between compression and rarefaction.

23.) Differentiate between echo and reverberation.

24.) Differentiate between radio wave and X-rays.

25.) Differentiate between X-ray and ultraviolet ray.

26.) Differentiate between ultraviolet ray and infra-red ray

27.) The back of a large auditorium is curved. Why?

28.) The walls and the ceilings of a cinema hall are covered with sound absorbing materials. Why?

29.) Echo is experienced more in a newly constructed room than in room. Why?

30.) Reflected sound (echo) is fainter than the original sound. Why?

31.) Ultrasound can pass even through solids. Why?

32.) A sound wave is called a mechanical wave. Why?

33.) Radio waves travel faster than sound waves. Why?

34.) Astronauts use an electronic medium in space to talk to each other. Why?

35.) Frequent X-ray imaging and CT scanning are not good for health. Why?

36.) During CT scanning of a patient, he/she enters in an arc. Why?

37.) What is a wave?

38.) What is frequency?

39.) What is time period?

40.) What is wavelength?

41.) What is the velocity of sound wave?

42.) What is longitudinal wave?

43.) What is transverse wave?

44.) Distinguish between Mechanical wave and electromagnetic waves

45.) What are the seven colours on spectrum after dispersion of a beam of white light through prism?

46.) What is the cause of dispersion of light?

47.) What do you mean by infrared rays and ultraviolet rays? Give 1/1 special characteristic of them.

48.) Write any two advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet rays.

49.) What is meant by electromagnetic spectrum?

50.) Write down the main properties of electromagnetic waves.

51.) Give any three differences between x-rays and infrared rays.

52.) What are radio waves? They are not harmful to our body, why?

53.) What are the uses of x-rays and y-rays?

54.) What is sound? How is sound wave produced?

55.) What are the sources of sound?

56.) What do you mean by wave?

57.) Define mechanical wave. The sound wave is called mechanical wave, why?

58.) Write any two differences between transverse wave and longitudinal wave.

59.) Write about the terms ‘compression’ and ‘rarefaction’.

60.) What is the wave equation?

61.) The wavelength of girls voice is shorter than that of boy’s voice, why? Give reason.

62.) What are the factors that affect the speed of sound in gas?

63.) What do you mean by sound spectrum ?

64.) Define the following terms related to the sound. (a) Audible Sound (b) Infrasonic Sound (c) Ultrasonic Sound

65.) Sound produced by a bat cannot be heard by human ear, why?

66.) What do you mean by ultrasound? Write any two applications of ultrasound.

67.) Define intensity of sound. What a intensity of sound. What are the main two factors that affect the intensity of sound ?

68.) Give the relation between intensity and amplitude of sound.

69.) What do you mean by pitch of sound?

70.) Differentiate between intensity of sound and pitch of sound?

71.) What are the factors affecting intensity of sound?

72.) Sound with larger amplitude is transmitted to longer distance than that with small amplitude, Why?

73.) Define ‘Echo’. On what condition does echo take place?

74.) Define ‘reverberation’. On what condition does it take place?

75.) Write any two differences between echo and reverberation.

76.) Walls and ceilings of a cinema hall are covered with sound absorbing materials, Why?

77.) ‘Echo’ is not heard in a small room, why?

78.) Reverberation is experienced more in newly constructed room than in a furnished room, why?

79.) What do you mean by refraction of sound? Sound is heard more distinct at night than at day time, why?

80.) What is reflection of sound? Mention its types.

81.) Mention some uses of reflection of sound?

82.) Differentiate between musical sound and noise.

83.) What is sound pollution? How can it be reduced? Write any three ways.

84.) Write any four effects of sound Pollution.

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