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Class : 9

Subject : Science

Unit : 18.00 Lesson :Carbon and its compounds

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1.) Name any three sources of organic compounds.

2.) What is the valency and valence electrons of carbon?

3.) What is an organic compound?

4.) What is caramel?

5.) Write any two amorphous carbons.

6.) What is another name of graphite?

7.) What are the allotropes of carbon?

8.) What is the full form of LPG?

9.) What are the properties of carbon that lead to the formation of a vast number of carbon compounds we see around us?

10.) What are allotropes? Write the types of allotropes of carbon.

11.) What are the conditions for firewood to burn and produce carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide ? Write the balanced chemical equations.

12.) What is water gas? How is it made? Write its balanced chemical equation. Write the physical properties of carbon.

13.) What is catenation? Write in brief with an example.

14.) Write any three chemical properties of carbon with balanced chemical equations.

15.) Enlist the uses of diamond.

16.) While conducting an experiment in a science laboratory, some grease unknowingly stuck in Sujan's shirt. After seeing it, he was worried. At that moment, his science teacher suggested to him to wash his shirt with little petrol instead of using soap and wa

17.) What happens when lead oxide is strongly heated with carbon?

18.) What happens when carbon is heated in water vapour?

19.) Differentiate between diamond and graphite.

20.) Differentiate between organic and inorganic compounds.

21.) Carbon forms covalent bonds. Why?

22.) Diamond is a bad conductor while graphite is a good conductor of electricity. Why?

23.) Graphite is used as a lubricant. Why?

24.) Diamond is the hardest substance known. Why?

25.) There are hundreds of thousands organic compounds. Why?

26.) While we burn charcoal or turn on a gas heater, it is dangerous to stay in a room by closing all the doors and windows. Why?

27.) Melting and boiling points of organic compounds are low. Why?

28.) When we burn firewood, it sometimes emits dense black smoke while it emits less smoke. Why?

29.) What is hydrocarbon? What are the types of hydrocarbon on the basis of bonding?

30.) Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon.

31.) What do you mean by homologous series?

32.) Saturated hydrocarbons are also known as paraffin, why?

33.) Write some physical properties of carbon.

34.) Write one use of each diamond and graphite.

35.) What are allotropy and allotropes?

36.) What is the nature of carbon? Mention it.

37.) Write the full form of IUPAC system.

38.) What is meant by isomers?

39.) Define: Alcohol, ether, alkane, alkene, alkyne.

40.) What is functional group? List the types of alcohol.

41.) Why does graphite act as a good conductor but diamond as a bad conductor?

42.) Where is carbon found in nature?

43.) How do you prove that sugar and candle contain carbon?

44.) Write four examples of each organic and inorganic compounds, which of these do not undergo electrolysis?

45.) How do organic compounds differ with inorganic compounds?

46.) How do we make pencils from graphite? Describe a brief.

47.) CaCO3, Na2CO3, CO2 and CO contains carbon even they are inorganic compounds. Why?

48.) What do you mean by carbon monoxide poisoning?

49.) What is water gas? Write its use.

50.) What is meant by allotropy? Write any-2 allotropes of carbon.

51.) Graphite is used as lubricant, why?

52.) Diamond is hardest substance known, why?

53.) Carbon forms covalent compounds, why?

54.) Carbon is a reducing agent. Why?

55.) Organic compounds are non-electrolyte, why?

56.) Write any-2 crystalline forms of carbon.

57.) Write any-2 amorphous forms of carbon.

58.) Write any-3 differences between diamond and graphite.

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