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Class : 9

Subject : Science

Unit : 2.00 Lesson :Classification of Living Beings

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1.) What is taxonomy?

2.) Who developed the system for naming living organisms?

3.) What are the seven classification groups?

4.) What is the correct way to write the scientific name of the mustard?

5.) Who is known as the father of taxonomy?

6.) What is binomial nomenclature?

7.) Who proposed the five-kingdom classification?

8.) On what basis is this classification proposed? Explain.

9.) Write the scientific name of mango, dog, tiger, cow, pea, wheat and mustard.

10.) What are the basic features of five kingdom classification?

11.) Name the kingdoms of the five-kingdom system.

12.) Where do archaeabacteria typically live? Explain their types.

13.) List the general features that characterize protista.

14.) Write the importance of classification.

15.) Write about the merits of five-kingdom classification.

16.) How do fungi digest their food?

17.) Enlist the characteristics of the kingdom monera.

18.) Why is it necessary to classify living organisms? Give reasons.

19.) What is a scientific name of an organism and how is it written?

20.) What kinds of organisms are grouped under protista? Would you consider this kingdom a natural one?

21.) Which organisms are called primitive and how are they different from the so-called advanced organisms?

22.) Illustrate the taxonomical hierarchy with suitable examples of a plant and an animal.

23.) Which kingdom do the following organisms belong to? i) Mucor ii) Mushroom iii) Mustard iv) Nostoc v) Pea vi) Paramecium vii) Azotobacter viii) Euglena ix) Plasmodium x) Yeast

24.) Differentiate between Prokaryotes and eukarytotes.

25.) Differentiate between Genus and species.

26.) Differentiate between Protista and monera.

27.) Differentiate between Two kingdom and five kingdom classifications.

28.) Differentiate between Yeast and mushroom.

29.) The five-kingdom classification is more advantageous than the two-kingdom classification. Why?

30.) Classification of living beings is essential. Why?

31.) The protistans are more advanced than the monerans. Why?

32.) Mushroom is a saprophytic fungus. Why?

33.) We classify organisms. Why?

34.) What do you mean by classification? Why is it necessary for any organism?

35.) What is meant by binomial system of nomenclature?

36.) In how many systems do the living organisms classified?

37.) What are the reasons that five kingdom systems is more useful classification system?

38.) Name the classification of five kingdom system.

39.) What do you mean by autotroph and heterotroph?

40.) Write the division of following organisms and state any two characteristics. Nostoc and yeast.

41.) What is Taxonomy?

42.) What is Classification?

43.) What is binomial Nomenclature?

44.) What is Genus?

45.) What is Species?

46.) What are fungi?

47.) What are the modes of nutritions on fungi?

48.) What is meant by thallus?

49.) What is meant by saprophytic fungus?

50.) Write some characteristics of fungi.

51.) What is meant by parasitic fungus?

52.) How do fungi reproduce?

53.) What is the economic importance of fungi?

54.) What are the uses of fungi?

55.) How can we control fungi?

56.) What are protozoans? Write some examples.

57.) Write some characteristics of protozoa.

58.) What are the diseases caused by protozoan parasite?

59.) What are the characteristics of kingdom Monera?

60.) What are the sub-kingdoms of Monera?

61.) Where are archaebacteria found?

62.) What are the advantages of five-kingdom system of classification?

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