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Class : 9

Subject : Science

Unit : 4.00 Lesson :Evolution

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1.) What are fossils?

2.) Define embryo.

3.) Define palaeontological evidence.

4.) Define homologous organs.

5.) What are analogous organs?

6.) What are mutagens?

7.) Give any two examples of vestigial organs in human.

8.) What is the sudden chromosomal change in organisms called?

9.) Who suggested natural selection as the main cause of evolution?

10.) Who suggested use and disuse of organs as the main cause of evolution?

11.) Who suggested mutation theory?

12.) Mention any two types of mutation.

13.) Define continuous variation.

14.) Define discontinuous variation.

15.) Mention any four evidences of organic evolution.

16.) How do homologous and analogous organs give evidence of evolution?

17.) What are vestigial organs? How are they different from homologous organs?

18.) Write in short about connecting links and embryonic evidence.

19.) Write in short about Lamarckism, natural selection and variation.

20.) What are the drawbacks of Lamarckism and Darwinism?

21.) What is natural selection? How does it lead to evolution?

22.) Mention the major points of Darwinism.

23.) Write the summary of mutation theory.

24.) Describe continuous and discontinuous variations with two examples of each.

25.) Write in short about: i) struggle for existence ii) enormous fertility iii) speciation iv) mutation v) beneficial mutation vi) variation

26.) Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs.

27.) Differentiate between Lamarckism and Darwinism.

28.) Differentiate between heredity and variation.

29.) Differentiate between continuous and discontinuous variations.

30.) Differentiate between acquired and hereditary characters.

31.) Differentiate between homologous and vestigial organs.

32.) Lamarckism was rejected after Darwinism. Why?

33.) Six-fingered offspring may be formed from normal fingered parents. Why?

34.) Platypus is considered as a bridge animal between birds and mammals. Why?

35.) In embryonic stage humans, birds and fish are similar in many aspects. Why?

36.) Haeckel said that ontogeny repeats phylogeny. Why?

37.) Our tail and muscles to move ears are in the extinct condition. Why?

38.) What is meant by ‘organic evolution’?

39.) List out the major evidences of organic evolution.

40.) What is meant by evolution?

41.) How do the study of fossils support about evolution?

42.) Archaeopteryx is known as the connecting link between reptiles and birds. Why?

43.) Fossils are the strongest evidence of evolution. How?

44.) Why is the vermiform appendix in human body called a vestigial organ?

45.) How do homologous organs support evolution?

46.) How is the evolution of long-necked giraffe took place according to the lamarckism?

47.) What is meant by continuous and discontinuous variation?

48.) Can all animals turn into fossils? What are the conditions for fossil formation?

49.) How does the study of vestigial organs help to prove evolution?

50.) Why platypus is considered as a bridge animal between birds and mammals. Why?

51.) Why dinosaurs get extinct in Mesozoic era?

52.) Differentiate between vestigial and homologous organ.

53.) Who is the founder of the theory “Use and disuse of organs”? Write any-3 drawbacks of Darwin’s theory.

54.) Describe Lamarck’s theory of evolution. Mention why it is not universally accepted.

55.) How do new species of organisms evolve according to Darwin’s theory? Describe in short.

56.) Clarify that the fittest ones can survive in the struggle for existence.

57.) What do you mean by mutation and mutant?

58.) Define mutagens and Atavism.

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