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Class : 9

Subject : Science

Unit : 5.00 Lesson :Body structure and Life Process

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1.) What is the meristematic tissue?

2.) Define plant tissues.

3.) What is a simple permanent tissue?

4.) Define a complex permanent tissue?

5.) What is the function of xylem?

6.) Write the function of phloem?

7.) Name the tissue whose cells are arranged on the basement membrane.

8.) Write the function of dendrites.

9.) Which epithelium forms the inner wall of the blood vessel?

10.) Which connective tissue forms the bridge of the nose?

11.) In which animal may tissue matrix be hard?

12.) Which muscle cell is multinucleated?

13.) Why is a cell known as a structural and functional unit of life?

14.) How are cells, tissues and organs interrelated?

15.) Write in short about apical and lateral meristems.

16.) Mention the types of plant tissues with their major functions.

17.) Write in short about parenchyma and sclerenchyma.

18.) Describe different types of special permanent tissues in short.

19.) Describe the structure of a neuron with a suitable diagram in short.

20.) Write a short note on different types of connective tissues. Describe epithelial tissues in brief.

21.) How do bone and muscle coordinate in our body?

22.) Write those features of animal tissues which are different from plant tissues.

23.) Describe the union of tissues and organs in the respiratory system in short.

24.) Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues.

25.) Differentiate between xylem and phloem.

26.) Differentiate between simple and complex permanent tissues.

27.) Differentiate between parenchyma and sclerenchyma.

28.) Differentiate between animal and plant tissues.

29.) Differentiate between smooth and skeletal muscles.

30.) Differentiate between dendrites and axon.

31.) Differentiate between epithelial and muscular tissues.

32.) Differentiate between muscular and connective tissues.

33.) Xylem and phloem are collectively called conducting tissues. Why?

34.) The height of a plant does not increase when its tip is cut. Why?

35.) A kind of milk-like substance comes out when we pluck a leaf of a rubber plant. Why?

36.) Neurons are elongated. Why?

37.) Bone is hard in nature. Why?

38.) Skin is an organ. Why?

39.) What is nervous system?

40.) Name the cavity where the brain is located.

41.) Where does the medulla oblongata arise from?

42.) What is spinal cord?

43.) What is reflex action?

44.) Define reflex arc.

45.) Which membranes is cerebrospinal fluid located between?

46.) Write in short about the spinal cord.

47.) Name the membranes of meninges.

48.) Write any two functions of the following organs: i) Cerebrum ii) Cerebellum iii) Medulla oblongata

49.) Describe the reflex action clearly with an example.

50.) How do sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system coordinate during and after emergency?

51.) Describe human brain in short.

52.) Write the functions of cerebrum and cerebellum.

53.) Differentiate between Dendrites and axon.

54.) Differentiate between Sensory and motor nerves.

55.) Differentiate between Cerebrum and cerebellum.

56.) Differentiate between Spinal cord and brain.

57.) Differentiate between Sympathetic and parasympathetic ANS.

58.) Cerebrum has its upper surface but the grey upper surface of the spinal cord is white. Why?

59.) A person jumps up when he/she steps on a soft lose thing unknowingly. Why?

60.) A hanging person meets instant death. Why?

61.) A person with an injury in the cerebrum may go in coma. Why?

62.) A person cannot maintain a balance in the posture of the body if the cerebellum is injured. Why?

63.) The brain is considered as the controlling centre. Why?

64.) The spinal cord is the centre of reflex action. Why?

65.) Give any two examples of the exocrine glands.

66.) Name the hormones produced by the pancreas.

67.) Where is the pituitary gland located?

68.) Where is the thyroid gland situated?

69.) Name the disease which is caused by the deficiency of iodine in diet.

70.) Define hormone.

71.) Give an example of any two plant hormones which are growth inhibitors.

72.) Write any two functions of ethylene as plant hormone.

73.) List the secretions of the pituitary gland. What are the effects of hyposecretion of growth hormone in animals?

74.) Describe the coordination between the nervous system and the glandular system in human body.

75.) Synthetic hormones are beneficial to farmers but harmful to consumers. Justify the statement.

76.) Describe the role of calcitonin and parathormone to control the calcium level in blood.

77.) Describe the function of phytohormones in short.

78.) Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands.

79.) Differentiate between thyroid and pancreas.

80.) Differentiate between enzyme and hormone.

81.) Differentiate between testosterone and progesterone.

82.) Differentiate between auxins and abscisic acid.

83.) Differentiate between liver and adrenal gland.

84.) The pituitary gland is called the master gland. Why?

85.) Hormones are called chemical messengers. Why?

86.) Pancreas is a mixed gland. Why?

87.) The adrenal gland is also called an emergency gland. Why?

88.) Phytohormones support to increase crop yield. Why?

89.) What is cell?

90.) What do you mean by cell theory?

91.) What is the size of cells?

92.) What do you mean by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?

93.) What are cell organelles and cell inclusions?

94.) Distinguish between cell membrane and cell wall.

95.) What do you mean by cytoplasm?

96.) What is the main function of mitochondria?

97.) Write full form of ATP

98.) Why is mitochondria called powerhouse of a cell?

99.) Write any three functions of endoplasmic reticulum.

100.) What is a function of ribosome?

101.) State any two functions of golgi bodies.

102.) What is a main function of lysosome in a cell?

103.) Why lysosome is called suicidal bag?

104.) Name an organelle which is found only in plant cell and in animal cell.

105.) Write the function of different types of plastid found in plant cell.

106.) What are the functions of vacuole?

107.) What is the component of vacuole through which it is made?

108.) What are the components of nucleus?

109.) Write the major functions of nucleus.

110.) Differentiate between plant cell and animal all.

111.) What do you mean by tissue?

112.) Write differences between meristematic tissue and permanent tissue.

113.) What happens to a plant if all it’s apical meristematic tissues stop functioning?

114.) Name the various types of simple permanent tissues with the place where they occur.

115.) What do you mean by complex tissue? Write its types.

116.) What type of cells are found in parenchyma?

117.) Why is phloem called as complex tissue?

118.) Which tissue transport water from the root to other parts of the plants?

119.) Why does a plant die if all phloem-tissues are removed from its body?

120.) Distinguish between xylem and phloem.

121.) What type of substances are produced by glandular and lactiferous tissue?

122.) Write any two differences between lactiferous and glandular tissues.

123.) What is animal tissue? Write their types.

124.) What do you mean by epithelial tissue? Write its characteristics.

125.) Write the major functions of epithelial tissue.

126.) State the site (location) of columnar epithelium and its function.

127.) Write the structure and locations of the following tissues: (i) Pavement epithelium (ii) Cubical epithelium (iii) Columnar epithelium (iv) Ciliated epithelium (v) Glandular epithelium.

128.) Define muscular tissue. Name the types of muscular tissues.

129.) Write two differences between skeletal muscular tissue and smooth muscular tissue.

130.) Why skeletal muscular tissue is also called voluntary muscle?

131.) Cardiac muscles are combined form of skeletal and smooth muscles, why?

132.) Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary muscles.

133.) What do you mean by connective tissue? Write their types.

134.) Write any four functions of connective tissues?

135.) Write differences between the soft connective tissues and liquid connective tissues?

136.) differences between Cartilage and bone

137.) differences between Tendon and ligament

138.) Name two types of liquid connective tissues found in human body.

139.) Write full forms of RBC and WBC.

140.) What differences can you find between blood and lymph?

141.) What do you mean by lymph?

142.) Write three differences between Red Blood Cell (RBC) and White Blood Cell (WBC).

143.) What is a function of nervous tissue?

144.) Distinguish between axon and dendron.

145.) Write the main functions of liver?

146.) What do you mean by organ?

147.) What is skeleton? State its functions.

148.) Name the division of bone in human skeleton.

149.) Define the terms axial and appendicular skeleton with examples.

150.) Write down a difference between axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.

151.) How many bones are there in skull?

152.) Give the name of two facial bones which are not found in pair.

153.) Write a function of cranium and bone marrow.

154.) What is hyoid bone? Write its function.

155.) Name the bones present in ear ossicles.

156.) How is trunk made?

157.) How many pieces of bones are there in vertebral column?

158.) What do you mean by the atlas and the axis?

159.) What is sternum?

160.) How is shoulder girdle or pectoral girdle formed?

161.) What is pelvic girdle? Write two functions of it.

162.) The pelvic girdle of a woman is wider than that of man, why?

163.) Name the bones of the following parts of the human body.

164.) Write any two differences between femur and humerus on the basis of their length and function.

165.) Bone kept in hydrochloric acid becomes soft, why?

166.) What is synovial fluid?

167.) What happens when the secretion of synovial fluid is stopped in knee joint of a person?

168.) Define cartilages? State its two functions.

169.) Why does joints ache occur while walking in old age?

170.) What is joint? List out different types of joint with examples.

171.) What is meant by movable joints? Write its types.

172.) What are the types of bone marrow? Write one function of each.

173.) What is tendon?

174.) What do you mean by antagonistic muscle?

175.) Differentiate between tendon and ligament.

176.) Why do we need nutrition?

177.) Name the nutrients that are needed for our body.

178.) What is meant by balance diet?

179.) Write the sources of the following.

180.) What is breathing?

181.) What happens during breathing by human beings?

182.) What is meant by respiration?

183.) Define external and internal respiration.

184.) Why is respiration necessary?

185.) What is meant by respiratory system?

186.) Name the organs that take part in respiratory system.

187.) What is the function of nose in respiration?

188.) Where is larynx situated?

189.) Write in short about trachea.

190.) What is the function of lungs?

191.) What is digestion process?

192.) What is meant by alimentary canal?

193.) What is digestive system?

194.) Write the role of mouth in digestion.

195.) What is the function of oesophagus?

196.) Name the gastric juice produced inside stomach with one function of each.

197.) What is chyme?

198.) Write the three parts of small intestine.

199.) Write the name of pancreatic juice with their function.

200.) What is the role of liver and gallbladder in digestion?

201.) What is the function of small intestine?

202.) What are the parts of large intestine? Write its main function.

203.) What is excretion?

204.) Why is excretion necessary?

205.) Mention some excretory products in human being.

206.) What type of excretory products are thrown out by lungs, skin, kidneys?

207.) What is meant by excretory system?

208.) Write any five organs that help in excretion.

209.) What is urinary system?

210.) Name the organs involved in urinary system.

211.) What is hilum?

212.) What are cortex and medulla?

213.) What are nephrons?

214.) What are afferent arterioles and efferent arterioles?

215.) What are the functions of kidney?

216.) Blind spot is devoid of vision. Why?

217.) When we enter a dark room after staying in the sunlight, we can not see anything for some time. Why?

218.) Name the type of stimulus and nature of stimulus of the following: (i) Photoreceptor. (ii) Mechanoreceptor. (iii) Thermoreceptor.

219.) What is meant by sense organs?

220.) What do you understand by smell? Write in brief.

221.) When a person spins for some time, she/he feels dizziness. Why?

222.) If a strong odour is felt for sometime, the sensation of smell of that substance is weakened, Why?

223.) We cannot get proper flavour of food when we are suffering from cold, Why?

224.) Salty taste can be felt faster than the bitter taste, why?

225.) When we are suffering from cold, we do not identify any smell. Why?

226.) We are given chocolates to chew while travelling by an aeroplane. Why?

227.) Define the terms night blindness and colour blindness.

228.) Why does a person feel difficulty in hearing when the eardrum is ruptured?

229.) What is the importance of sense organs?

230.) How do we take care of eyes?

231.) How are the eyes protected in our body?

232.) Write the functions of the following parts of eyes.

233.) How should we take care of our ears? Explain.

234.) How should we take care of tongue?

235.) How should we take care of skin? Explain.

236.) How should we take care of nose? Explain.

237.) Colour is not seen distinctly in moon light, why?

238.) A person having hole in the eardrum does not hear properly, why?

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