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Class : 9

Subject : Science

Unit : 6.00 Lesson :Nature and Environment

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1.) Name any two components of ecosystem.

2.) Define decomposers.

3.) Write any two examples of top consumer in a pond.

4.) Mention any two abiotic components.

5.) Give any two examples of decomposers in a grassland.

6.) Write the type of interrelation that exists in between sea sponges and corals?

7.) What is the role of algae in a pond ecosystem?

8.) What is the role of bacteria in a grassland?

9.) Define ecological interaction.

10.) What type of interaction is found between goats when they struggle for grass?

11.) Give an example of commensalism.

12.) Name the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem.

13.) Why are green plants called producers?

14.) Define: i) producer ii) ecosystem iii) decomposer vi) symbiosis v) parasitism iv) food web vii) commensalism viii) trophic level

15.) If the number of tertiary consumers is increased more than it is necessary, it causes the imbalance of the ecosystem. Explain.

16.) Mention any four abiotic factors that affect the environment. Describe any one of them in short.

17.) Explain the concept of food chain in brief with the help of a diagram.

18.) Describe grassland ecosystem briefly.

19.) Describe the impacts of climate change on ecosystem in short.

20.) How does migration affect the ecosystem of any community?

21.) What is the role of climate change in decrement of coral reefs in the ocean?

22.) What is the impact of climate change on the ecosystem of the oceanic environment?

23.) Mustard farming was done with bee keeping. In one of the seasons, bees were killed accidentally by the use of insecticides. Mustard production decreased. Explain.

24.) In a village, a campaign against snakes was launched in which about all the snakes were killed. The farmers of that region were troubled by rats that year. Explain.

25.) Differentiate between mutualism and competition.

26.) Differentiate between producers and consumers.

27.) Differentiate between biotic and abiotic components.

28.) Differentiate between food chain and food web.

29.) Differentiate between producers and decomposers.

30.) Differentiate between parasitism and symbiosis.

31.) Phytoplankton are producers. Why?

32.) Fungi are decomposers. Why?

33.) Eagles are top consumers. Why?

34.) All the components have equal importance for a balanced ecosystem. Why?

35.) Ecosystem is beneficial to human beings. Why?

36.) Eco-friendly development is sustainable. Why?

37.) What is ecosystem?

38.) What is ecology? What do you mean by biosphere?

39.) What are biotic components and abiotic components of an ecosystem? Give examples. Or, Explain about biotic factors and abiotic factors that affect the ecosystem of a particular area.

40.) Mention any four abiotic factors that affect the environment.

41.) Biotic factors of an ecosystem are classified into three major groups. What are they?

42.) Define the following terms with examples.

43.) What are the major roles of decomposers in an ecosystem?

44.) Write any two differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs.

45.) Write any two differences between herbivores and carnivores.

46.) The number of consumer can never exceed the number of producer in nature, why?

47.) What is community? Which type of living being is the mushroom in a community?

48.) Why is number of producer larger than consumer in nature

49.) Define Phytoplankton

50.) Define the Zooplanktons

51.) What is the importance of green plants in an ecosystem?

52.) List the types of ecosystem.

53.) Explain in detail about aquatic ecosystem.

54.) What is the importance of energy transfer in an ecosystem? List out some points.

55.) How do decomposers help to make soil fertile?

56.) What is the role of mushroom in ecosystem?

57.) The producers are also called transducers, why?

58.) Producers belong to first trophic level. Why?

59.) How do human beings play a vital role to maintain balance in nature?

60.) Explain in short about the basic requirements of human beings.

61.) Why are plants called producers?

62.) Why mushroom is called a saprophyte?

63.) Why a cow is called a heterotroph?

64.) List the types of food chain.

65.) Define Parasite.

66.) Define Saprophyte.

67.) Define Holozoic.

68.) What is environment?

69.) Write down the different components of a grassland ecosystem. For each component, give one example.

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