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Class : 11

Subject : Economics

Unit : 1.00 Lesson :Economics

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1.) What are the Characteristics/Features of wealth definition.

2.) What are the Criticisms of Wealth Definition.

3.) Critically explain the Marshall’s Definition of Economics (Welfare definition or Neo classical definition).

4.) What are the Main Ideas/Characteristics/Features of welfare definition?

5.) What are the critism of welfare definition?

6.) Comparison between Adam Smith’s and Alfred Marshall’s Definition.

7.) Critically explain Robbin’s Definition of Economics (Scarcity definition or Modern definition).

8.) What are the Main Ideas/Characteristics/Features of Scarcity Definition?

9.) What are the Criticism of Robbins Definition?

10.) Make a Comparison between Marshall’s and Robbin’s definition.

11.) Why is Robbin’s definition of economics is considered superior to the Adam Smith’s and Alfred Marshall’s definitons?

12.) Explain the Concept of Positive and Normative Economics.

13.) Distinguish between positive and normative economics.

14.) What is microeconomics? What are the features of microeconomics?

15.) What are the Importance/Uses of Microeconomics?

16.) What is macroeconomics? What are the features of macroeconomics?

17.) What are the Importance/Uses of Macroeconomics?

18.) Difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

19.) Explain the Meaning of Goods and Services.

20.) What are The difference between goods and services?

21.) What are the different Classification/ Types of goods?

22.) What do you mean by factors of Production?

23.) What is Land? Explain its features.

24.) What is Labor? Discuss its features.

25.) What is Capital? Explain its features.

26.) What is Organization? Explain its features.

27.) Discuss the concept of scarcity and choice in economics.

28.) What do you mean by opportunity cost?

29.) Write short notes on allocation of resources?

30.) Explain the concept of production possibility curve.

31.) What are the difference between goods and services.

32.) Write the meaning of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Explain its features.

33.) What is Gross National Product (GNP)? Write down any four features of GNP.

34.) What are the difference between GDP and GNP?

35.) What is Per Capita Income? Explain its importance.

36.) Write the concept of market economy. Explain its features.

37.) Write the meaning of Desire.

38.) Write the meaning of Demand.

39.) What are the difference between Desire and Demand?

40.) What are the determinants of demand?

41.) What are the types of demand?

42.) Explain the Law of demand with diagram.

43.) What are the exception to the Law of demand?

44.) What is demand function?

45.) What is demand equation?

46.) What are the reasons behind downward sloping demand curve?

47.) Derivation of an Individual Demand Curve.

48.) Derivation of Market Demand Curve

49.) Change in Demand. What is movement along the demand curve?

50.) What is shift in demand curve (change in demand)?

51.) What are the factor causing shift in demand curve?

52.) Difference between movement along the demand curve and shift in demand curve

53.) Write the meaning of Supply.

54.) What is Supply function?

55.) Write any five determinants of supply.

56.) Explain the Law of supply with diagram.

57.) What are the exception/limitations to the law of supply?

58.) What is Supply equation?

59.) Derivation of Market Supply Curve

60.) Change in Supply (i) What is movement along the supply curve?

61.) (ii) What is shift in supply curve?

62.) What are the factors causing shift in supply curve?

63.) Difference between movement along the supply curve and shift in supply curve.

64.) Interaction between Demand and Supply.

65.) Meaning of Economic Development

66.) What are the characteristics of developing countries?

67.) Explain the indicators of economic development.

68.) Write the meaning of capital formation process.

69.) Explain the process of capital formation.

70.) Write down the meaning of unemployment. What are the types of unemployment?

71.) Concept of Poverty

72.) What are the types of poverty?

73.) Describe the characteristics of the poor.

74.) What are the main causes of poverty in Nepal?

75.) Explain the remedial measures to control poverty reduction in Nepal.

76.) Concept of Inequality

77.) What are the causes of inequality?

78.) Meaning of Human Resources

79.) Different between Human resource and Human beings.

80.) Explain the role or importance of human resource.

81.) Current Population Status of Nepal

82.) Explain the major indicators of human development.

83.) What is Human Development Index (HDI)?

84.) Explain the method of calculation of Human Development Index.

85.) Write down any five importance of Human Development Index.

86.) Concept of Development Planning

87.) General Evaluation of the Immediate Past Plan

88.) Discuss The FOURTEENTH Plan (2016/17-2018/19) of Nepal.

89.) Discuss the process of plan formulation.

90.) Discuss about the major economic indicators of Nepal. Discuss the major economic indicators of Nepal.

91.) Concept of Foreign Employment and Remittance

92.) What are the advantages of foreign employment in Nepal?

93.) What are the disadvantage of foreign employment in Nepal?

94.) Concept of Nepalese Economy

95.) Introduction to Nepalese Economy

96.) Explain the main characteristics of Nepalese Economy.

97.) Introduction to Natural Resources

98.) What do you mean by water resources? Explain the importance of water resources in Nepal.

99.) Explain the potentiality of water resources in Nepal.

100.) Discuss the current situation of hydroelectricity of Nepal.

101.) Describe the problem of water resources development in Nepal.

102.) What do you mean by forest resources? Explain the role, importance, direct and indirect benefits of forest resources in Nepal.

103.) What are the causes of rapid deforestation in Nepal? Explain.

104.) Explain the consequence of deforestation in Nepal.

105.) What do you mean by mineral resources?

106.) Explain current position and potentiality of mineral resources in Nepal.

107.) What are the role or importance of mineral resources in Nepal.

108.) What are the problems of mineral resources utilization in Nepal?

109.) What are the main causes of environmental pollution?

110.) Explain the consequences of environmental pollution.

111.) Remedial Measures to Correct Environment Pollution

112.) Problems of Natural Resource Management

113.) Meaning of Agriculture

114.) Discuss the characteristics of Nepalese agriculture.

115.) Discuss the role or importance of agriculture in Nepal.

116.) Explain the problems of agriculture in Nepal.

117.) What are the remedial (solution) measures for the problem of agriculture in Nepal?

118.) What is agriculture finance?

119.) What are the sources of agricultural finance in Nepal?

120.) Give the meaning of agricultural marketing in Nepal. Explain the nature and problems of agriculture marketing in nepal.

121.) What are the remedies against problems of agricultural marketing?

122.) Meaning of Industry

123.) Types of Industries

124.) What is Cottage and Small Scale Industries? Explain its importance.

125.) Explain th problem of cottage and small scale industries in Nepal.

126.) What is Medium and large Scale Industries? Explain its importance.

127.) Explain the problem faced by medium and large scale industries in Nepal?

128.) Write the meaning of tourism. Discuss the importance/role of tourism industry in Nepal.

129.) Explain the prospect of tourism industry in Nepal.

130.) What are the problems of tourism industry in Nepal?

131.) What is Public Enterprises? Write down the objectives of public enterprises.

132.) What are the importance of public enterprises?

133.) Discuss the characteristics of public enterprises.

134.) Write about current status of public enterprises in Nepal.

135.) Concept of transportation and communication

136.) What are the means of transportation? Explain it.

137.) What are the means of communication? Explain it.

138.) Explain the role of transportation and communication in economic development.

139.) Write the meaning of Data collection. Discuss the pre-requisites/preliminater of Data Collection.

140.) What are the types of Data?

141.) Difference between Primary data and Secondary data

142.) Explain the methods of collecting primary Data.

143.) Describe the sources of secondary Data.

144.) Discuss the precautions in the use of secondary data.

145.) What are the techniques of Data collection.

146.) Explain the different methods of sampling.

147.) ‘वीर पुर्खा‘ कविता गति र विरामका आधारमा लय मिलाई पढ्नुहोस् :

148.) दिइएका अर्थ दिने शब्द पाठबाट छानेर लेख्नुहोस्:

149.) तल दिइएको शब्दलाई वाक्यमा प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्:

150.) दिइएका शब्दसंग मिल्ने अनुप्रासयुहोस:

151.) कवितामा कतिओटा श्लोक छन्?

152.) कुन कुन पङ्क्तिमा सबैभन्दा बढी पद रहेका छन्?

153.) समान पदसङ्ख्या भएको श्लोक कुन हो?

154.) कुन पङ्क्तिमा सबैभन्दा कम पद रहेको छन्?

155.) कवितामा प्रयोग भएका नदी र स्थानको सूची बनाउनुहोस्?

156.) ‘वीर पुर्खा‘ कविताको पहिलो श्लोक पढी त्यसलाई गघमा रूपान्तरण गर्नुहोस्।

157.) कविता पढी वषयको …….. मिलाएर लेख्नुहोस्: (क) वीर पुर्खाहरुको रगत नेपालीको नसा नसामा छ। (ख) वीर पुर्खाको गतिलाई खोला र आंधी ले रोक्न सक्दैन। (ग) वेत्रावतीको‌ किनारमा नेपालीको पुर्खाको चिनो छ। (घ) सांगडा र कलङ्गाले नेपालको इतिहास बोलेको छ। (ङ) प

158.) दिएको कवितांश पढ्नुहोस् र सङ्क्षिप्त उत्तर लेख्नुहोस् :(१) माथिको कवितांशमा हाम्रा पुर्खाहरूका बारेमा के भनिएको छ?

159.) (२) हामीले हाम्रा पुर्खाको गौरव कसरी सक्छौं?

160.) ‘सागर तरी संसारभरी वीस गोर्खा रगत बग्यो‘। यस कथनको तात्पर्य के हो?

161.) दिएका कवितांश पढी सोधिएका प्रश्नहरूको जवाफ दिनुहोस्: (१). नेपालीहरूको कस्तो पौरखाले नेपालको रचना भएको हो?

162.) (२). कवितांशका आधारमा हाम्रा वीर पुर्खाको गौरव गाथाको वर्णन गर्नुहोस्?

163.) ‘वीर पुर्खा’ कविताको चौथो श्लोकलाई मुख्य आधार बनाई दिइएका प्रश्नको उत्तर दिनुहोस्:१) नेपालीहरूको विरता कसरी गुन्जिएको छ?

164.) (२) चन्द्रसूर्य ध्यजामा कस्तो गौरव अङ्कित छ ?

165.) दिइएको कवितांशको व्याख्या गर्नुहोस्: गरुडको झैं वेग तिम्रो कुन आकाशले बांध्ने सक्यो पौरखले रच्यौ नेपाल। पहाड तराई जुट्न सकियो।

166.) दिइएका बुंदाका आधारमा विर पुर्खा कविताको समीक्षात्मक टिप्पणी गर्नुहोस्: (१) पुर्खाको विजय यात्रालाई पहाड र खोलले छेक्न तथा आंधीले रोक्न नसकेको (२) आकाशमा स्वच्छन्द उड्ने गरूडको जस्तो वेग (३) पौरखी पुर्खाले तराई पहाड र हिमाललाई जोडेर नेपाल बनाएका (४)

167.) दिइएको अनुच्छेद पढी मुख्य मुख्य बुंदाहरु टिप्नुहोस्:

168.) ‘वीर पुर्खा‘ कविता गति र विरामका आधारमा लय मिलाई पढ्नुहोस् :

169.) दिइएका अर्थ दिने शब्द पाठबाट छानेर लेख्नुहोस्:

170.) तल दिइएको शब्दलाई वाक्यमा प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्:

171.) दिइएका शब्दसंग मिल्ने अनुप्रासयुहोस:

172.) कवितामा कतिओटा श्लोक छन्?

173.) कुन कुन पङ्क्तिमा सबैभन्दा बढी पद रहेका छन्?

174.) समान पदसङ्ख्या भएको श्लोक कुन हो?

175.) कुन पङ्क्तिमा सबैभन्दा कम पद रहेको छन्?

176.) कवितामा प्रयोग भएका नदी र स्थानको सूची बनाउनुहोस्?

177.) ‘वीर पुर्खा‘ कविताको पहिलो श्लोक पढी त्यसलाई गघमा रूपान्तरण गर्नुहोस्।

178.) कविता पढी वषयको …….. मिलाएर लेख्नुहोस्: (क) वीर पुर्खाहरुको रगत नेपालीको नसा नसामा छ। (ख) वीर पुर्खाको गतिलाई खोला र आंधी ले रोक्न सक्दैन। (ग) वेत्रावतीको‌ किनारमा नेपालीको पुर्खाको चिनो छ। (घ) सांगडा र कलङ्गाले नेपालको इतिहास बोलेको छ। (ङ) प

179.) दिएको कवितांश पढ्नुहोस् र सङ्क्षिप्त उत्तर लेख्नुहोस् :(१) माथिको कवितांशमा हाम्रा पुर्खाहरूका बारेमा के भनिएको छ?

180.) (२) हामीले हाम्रा पुर्खाको गौरव कसरी सक्छौं?

181.) ‘सागर तरी संसारभरी वीस गोर्खा रगत बग्यो‘। यस कथनको तात्पर्य के हो?

182.) दिएका कवितांश पढी सोधिएका प्रश्नहरूको जवाफ दिनुहोस्: (१). नेपालीहरूको कस्तो पौरखाले नेपालको रचना भएको हो?

183.) (२). कवितांशका आधारमा हाम्रा वीर पुर्खाको गौरव गाथाको वर्णन गर्नुहोस्?

184.) ‘वीर पुर्खा’ कविताको चौथो श्लोकलाई मुख्य आधार बनाई दिइएका प्रश्नको उत्तर दिनुहोस्:१) नेपालीहरूको विरता कसरी गुन्जिएको छ?

185.) (२) चन्द्रसूर्य ध्यजामा कस्तो गौरव अङ्कित छ ?

186.) दिइएको कवितांशको व्याख्या गर्नुहोस्: गरुडको झैं वेग तिम्रो कुन आकाशले बांध्ने सक्यो पौरखले रच्यौ नेपाल। पहाड तराई जुट्न सकियो।

187.) दिइएका बुंदाका आधारमा विर पुर्खा कविताको समीक्षात्मक टिप्पणी गर्नुहोस्: (१) पुर्खाको विजय यात्रालाई पहाड र खोलले छेक्न तथा आंधीले रोक्न नसकेको (२) आकाशमा स्वच्छन्द उड्ने गरूडको जस्तो वेग (३) पौरखी पुर्खाले तराई पहाड र हिमाललाई जोडेर नेपाल बनाएका (४)

188.) दिइएको अनुच्छेद पढी मुख्य मुख्य बुंदाहरु टिप्नुहोस्:

189.) Critically explain Adam Smith’s definition of economics (wealth definition or classical definition).

190.) What are the Characteristics/Features of wealth definition.

191.) What are the Criticisms of Wealth Definition.

192.) Critically explain the Marshall’s Definition of Economics (Welfare definition or Neo classical definition).

193.) What are the Main Ideas/Characteristics/Features of welfare definition?

194.) What are the critism of welfare definition?

195.) Comparison between Adam Smith’s and Alfred Marshall’s Definition.

196.) Critically explain Robbin’s Definition of Economics (Scarcity definition or Modern definition).

197.) What are the Main Ideas/Characteristics/Features of Scarcity Definition?

198.) What are the Criticism of Robbins Definition?

199.) Make a Comparison between Marshall’s and Robbin’s definition.

200.) Why is Robbin’s definition of economics is considered superior to the Adam Smith’s and Alfred Marshall’s definitons?

201.) Explain the Concept of Positive and Normative Economics.

202.) Distinguish between positive and normative economics.

203.) What is microeconomics? What are the features of microeconomics?

204.) What are the Importance/Uses of Microeconomics?

205.) What is macroeconomics? What are the features of macroeconomics?

206.) What are the Importance/Uses of Macroeconomics?

207.) Difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

208.) Explain the Meaning of Goods and Services.

209.) What are The difference between goods and services?

210.) What are the different Classification/ Types of goods?

211.) What do you mean by factors of Production?

212.) What is Land? Explain its features.

213.) What is Labor? Discuss its features.

214.) What is Capital? Explain its features.

215.) What is Organization? Explain its features.

216.) Discuss the concept of scarcity and choice in economics.

217.) What do you mean by opportunity cost?

218.) Write short notes on allocation of resources?

219.) Explain the concept of production possibility curve.

220.) What are the difference between goods and services.

221.) Write the meaning of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Explain its features.

222.) What is Gross National Product (GNP)? Write down any four features of GNP.

223.) What are the difference between GDP and GNP?

224.) What is Per Capita Income? Explain its importance.

225.) Write the concept of market economy. Explain its features.

226.) Write the meaning of Desire.

227.) Write the meaning of Demand.

228.) What are the difference between Desire and Demand?

229.) What are the determinants of demand?

230.) What are the types of demand?

231.) Explain the Law of demand with diagram.

232.) What are the exception to the Law of demand?

233.) What is demand function?

234.) What is demand equation?

235.) What are the reasons behind downward sloping demand curve?

236.) Derivation of an Individual Demand Curve.

237.) Derivation of Market Demand Curve

238.) Change in Demand. What is movement along the demand curve?

239.) What is shift in demand curve (change in demand)?

240.) What are the factor causing shift in demand curve?

241.) Difference between movement along the demand curve and shift in demand curve

242.) Write the meaning of Supply.

243.) What is Supply function?

244.) Write any five determinants of supply.

245.) Explain the Law of supply with diagram.

246.) What are the exception/limitations to the law of supply?

247.) What is Supply equation?

248.) Derivation of Market Supply Curve

249.) Change in Supply (i) What is movement along the supply curve?

250.) (ii) What is shift in supply curve?

251.) What are the factors causing shift in supply curve?

252.) Difference between movement along the supply curve and shift in supply curve.

253.) Interaction between Demand and Supply.

254.) Meaning of Economic Development

255.) What are the characteristics of developing countries?

256.) Explain the indicators of economic development.

257.) Write the meaning of capital formation process.

258.) Explain the process of capital formation.

259.) Write down the meaning of unemployment. What are the types of unemployment?

260.) Concept of Poverty

261.) What are the types of poverty?

262.) Describe the characteristics of the poor.

263.) What are the main causes of poverty in Nepal?

264.) Explain the remedial measures to control poverty reduction in Nepal.

265.) Concept of Inequality

266.) What are the causes of inequality?

267.) Meaning of Human Resources

268.) Different between Human resource and Human beings.

269.) Explain the role or importance of human resource.

270.) Current Population Status of Nepal

271.) Explain the major indicators of human development.

272.) What is Human Development Index (HDI)?

273.) Explain the method of calculation of Human Development Index.

274.) Write down any five importance of Human Development Index.

275.) Concept of Development Planning

276.) General Evaluation of the Immediate Past Plan

277.) Discuss The FOURTEENTH Plan (2016/17-2018/19) of Nepal.

278.) Discuss the process of plan formulation.

279.) Discuss about the major economic indicators of Nepal. Discuss the major economic indicators of Nepal.

280.) Concept of Foreign Employment and Remittance

281.) What are the advantages of foreign employment in Nepal?

282.) What are the disadvantage of foreign employment in Nepal?

283.) Concept of Nepalese Economy

284.) Introduction to Nepalese Economy

285.) Explain the main characteristics of Nepalese Economy.

286.) Introduction to Natural Resources

287.) What do you mean by water resources? Explain the importance of water resources in Nepal.

288.) Explain the potentiality of water resources in Nepal.

289.) Discuss the current situation of hydroelectricity of Nepal.

290.) Describe the problem of water resources development in Nepal.

291.) What do you mean by forest resources? Explain the role, importance, direct and indirect benefits of forest resources in Nepal.

292.) What are the causes of rapid deforestation in Nepal? Explain.

293.) Explain the consequence of deforestation in Nepal.

294.) What do you mean by mineral resources?

295.) Explain current position and potentiality of mineral resources in Nepal.

296.) What are the role or importance of mineral resources in Nepal.

297.) What are the problems of mineral resources utilization in Nepal?

298.) What are the main causes of environmental pollution?

299.) Explain the consequences of environmental pollution.

300.) Remedial Measures to Correct Environment Pollution

301.) Problems of Natural Resource Management

302.) Meaning of Agriculture

303.) Discuss the characteristics of Nepalese agriculture.

304.) Discuss the role or importance of agriculture in Nepal.

305.) Explain the problems of agriculture in Nepal.

306.) What are the remedial (solution) measures for the problem of agriculture in Nepal?

307.) What is agriculture finance?

308.) What are the sources of agricultural finance in Nepal?

309.) Give the meaning of agricultural marketing in Nepal. Explain the nature and problems of agriculture marketing in nepal.

310.) What are the remedies against problems of agricultural marketing?

311.) Meaning of Industry

312.) Types of Industries

313.) What is Cottage and Small Scale Industries? Explain its importance.

314.) Explain th problem of cottage and small scale industries in Nepal.

315.) What is Medium and large Scale Industries? Explain its importance.

316.) Explain the problem faced by medium and large scale industries in Nepal?

317.) Write the meaning of tourism. Discuss the importance/role of tourism industry in Nepal.

318.) Explain the prospect of tourism industry in Nepal.

319.) What are the problems of tourism industry in Nepal?

320.) What is Public Enterprises? Write down the objectives of public enterprises.

321.) What are the importance of public enterprises?

322.) Discuss the characteristics of public enterprises.

323.) Write about current status of public enterprises in Nepal.

324.) Concept of transportation and communication

325.) What are the means of transportation? Explain it.

326.) What are the means of communication? Explain it.

327.) Explain the role of transportation and communication in economic development.

328.) Write the meaning of Data collection. Discuss the pre-requisites/preliminater of Data Collection.

329.) What are the types of Data?

330.) Difference between Primary data and Secondary data

331.) Explain the methods of collecting primary Data.

332.) Describe the sources of secondary Data.

333.) Discuss the precautions in the use of secondary data.

334.) What are the techniques of Data collection.

335.) Explain the different methods of sampling.

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