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Class : 11
Unit : Business

Explain the types of records.

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Ans : Broadly, records are obtained from two sources that is internal sources and external sources for the records of such documents are maintained on the basis of their need and important. The following are the basis of classification of records. A. On the Basis of Nature i. Correspondence records:- Correspondence involves written matters like letters, circulars and notices etc. These correspondences are either created in the office or received from outside. On the basis of their importance, it is essential to maintain records of these correspondences. ii. Financial records:- All the records related to accounting transactions such as final accounts, ledgers, p/l account, etc. are known as financial records. They are essential to ascertain the financial position of an organization and also show the evidential information of past financial transactions. iii. Legal records:- Every organization used to maintain records of documents related to legal requirement. These documents involve memorandum of association, articles of association, contract papers etc. These records fulfill the legal requirement of the form. iv. Human resource records:- These records in human resource Planning, selection, training, promotion, remuneration, process of evaluation of performance etc. Besides, this involves personal detail of every employee working in the organization like their history, salary, promotion etc. v. Miscellaneous records:- The scope of business organization is vague. Therefore, then need to maintain various types of records other than those mentioned above. These records involved documents related to expansion or diversification of business, maintaining relation with social environment institution, public welfare activities etc. B. On the Basis of Retention Ans:- All the records weather created in the office or received from outside may not have equal value. Therefore, records may be classified into different types on the basis of their importance. In Nepal according to record disposal regulation Act 2027, records may be classified into the following four types:- i. Very important records:- These records are known as permanent records. These records are kept up to the existence and functioning of the organization. These records involve the memorandum of association, articles of association, registration certificate, document of properties etc. More care should be taken to preserve such records. ii. Important records:- These records related to general and financial administration. These records involve bills, vouchers, account receivable and payable rules and regulation of the organization etc. Generally these records are kept from 5 to 10 years on the basis of their requirement. iii. Useful records:- These records become valueless immediately after they are used. They will be disposed off after fulfillment of objective. These records involved letter of enquiry, general notice, invitation letter, greeting cards etc.
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