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Class : 11
Unit : Business

Explain the concept of office management. Discuss its importance in modern business era.

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Ans : Office management is the part of management which is concerned with the systematic management of official works. Basically, office management is the proper management of executive and clerical functions of office so that organizational objectives can be achieved efficiently. Executive functions of office Management consist of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling etc. Clerical function compromise of receiving and collecting information, recording information and analyzing information etc. According to George R. Terry, “Office management can be defined as the task of planning, coordinating, motivating and force of others towards the specific objectives in the office.” Importance of office management in modern business era. i) Smooth flow of works:- Office management is an important tool that brings smoothness in organizational performance. IT maintains proper control over all the resources including manpower by making proper supervision. So, it helps in performing its urgent and effective office work. ii) Optimum use of resources:- The important part of office management is to give emphasis on optimum use of organizational resources. These resources involve manpower, materials, money, machines and other physical properties. Manager develops new techniques and system to minimize the wastage of available resources. iii) Maintain coordination:- There are many department in the organization on the basis of nature of functions. The work of all departments of the organization is interrelated to each other. Therefore managers maintain coordination among all the activities of the organization. iv) Maintain office efficiency:- The scientific management of an office help to bring efficiency in the official performance. v) Provide innovation:- The systematic office is always adopting new changes. It has appropriate facilities for research. It encourages and motivates the employee to work in the new environment adopt changes. It helps for expansion and diversification. vi) Successful operation:- The successful operation of an organization depends upon its office management system. So the managers mobilize all the resources and uses in best for productive for purposes. vii) Provide leadership:- Good office management provide appropriate authority responsibility to staff on the basis of his / her ability. It promotes a systematic mechanism to develop one as a leader of business for the future. It provides training and development programs to promote leadership. viii) Maintain public relation:- When office furniture, machines and equipment are managed in systematic way it help to perform office work in efficient and proper time. The management of office resources helps to maintain better public relation.
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