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Class : 11
Unit : Economics

Discuss about the major economic indicators of Nepal. Discuss the major economic indicators of Nepal.

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Ans : Economic indicator is simply an economic statistic which indicates how well the economy is doing and how well the economy is going to do in future. They are useful to analyze economic performance of the country as well as making international comparison. The major economic indicators of Nepal are discussed below: i) Gross Domestic Product (GDP):- GDP and it’s growth rate are very important indicator to evaluate performance of the economy. The GDP of Nepal is 24.47 billion US dollar which is very low as compare to it’s neighboring countries like India and china. The average growth rate of GDP for past 10 years is around 4%. ii) Gross National Product (GNP):- GNP is another important economic indicator. It also helps to evaluate economic performance of the country. The GNP of Nepal is also very low as compare to it’s neighboring countries India and china. iii) Per Capita Income (PCI):- The per capita income of Nepal is very low as compare to other developing countries. Per capita income also helps to analyze the economic performance of the company. The per capita income of Nepal is 989 US dollar in the fiscal year 2017/2018.
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