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Class : 11
Unit : Economics

Explain the remedial measures to control poverty reduction in Nepal.

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Ans : The main objective of economic development is to reduce poverty. Poverty alleviation has become challenge for most of the developing countries. Therefore, it is very necessary to concentrate more on poverty alleviation. In developing countries like Nepal, poverty can be reducing by following measures: i) Increase in productivity of agriculture:- Most of Nepalese people are dependent on agriculture and they are poor. Their income purchasing power and consumption level can be upgraded through modernized agricultural system, modern equipment’s agriculture market. ii) Population control:- There is rapid population growth in Nepal. Proper steps should be taken to control population growth. For this, there should be spread of education, late marriage, medical facilities and awareness program to make them believe that small family is the best family. iii) Utilizations of natural resources:- Nepal has not been able to utilize it’s natural resources. If they are properly utilized employment opportunities can be created which increases income of the people. This will gradually decrease poverty level in Nepal. iv) Income generating programs:- There are various income generating programs such as tailoring, bee keeping, handicrafts, sericulture and so on. Such types of programs can be started with small investment. These programs help to increase the income of poor people. v) Political stability:- Political stability is most important factor necessary for the social and economic development. Only stable political system can encourage investment in the economy. The sustainable development program can be implemented only stable government which will reduce the level of poverty. vi) Target group oriented programs:- Poverty alleviation programs should be targeted to the poor. The development programs should be implemented in such a way that provides maximum advantage to the poor. For this poverty eradication programs should be lunched in those areas and communities where the level of poverty is more. vii) Industrialization:- The economy of Nepal is based on agriculture sector but it cannot provide employment opportunities to maximum people. The government must be able to provide favorable environment for industrial development in the economy. For these enough credit facilities, infrastructure development, appropriate industrial policy should be guaranteed by government. viii) Human resources development:- Human resources development is the measure component of economic development. In order to reduce poverty, it is necessary to implement human resources development programs like primary education, skill development, basic health care, safe drinking water facilities, etc.
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